<<<< more of Wed./my thanksgiving

Yeah so Wed. when my sister and I got to my er I mean our relatives’ our grandfather [mom’s side] was playing the piano. We said hello to everyone then went into the living room where our cousin Logan [he’s 2. he’s my cousin Jim’s son. Jim’s 28 – 35 and the son of my Aunt Joan who’s married to my mom’s brother Brad. Jim’s married to Rachel who’s again pregnant due April 16. ok] was playing w/ his ‘hay’ [styrofoam]. he was putting it in his plastic barn toy and taking it out again. when it was on the living room floor I’m like "hay overboard" lol.

They talked. oh ‘they’ being my sister and Brad. I didn’t say much I usually don’t. There’s not a lot I waned to report that wasn’t personal.

instrumental music was playing in the backround. ‘unchained melody’, ‘ave maria’ and another song I don’t know what it was.

So after awhile we all had dinner. I had a buttered roll, stuffing, mashed potatos, green bean casserole and sweet potatos. I’m not a fan of sweet potatos. But I like every other kind. hey I even like vodka. The stuffing was really good i’s only the 2nd time I’ve had stuffing within the past 2 yrs. [other than this yr. I didn’t spend thanksgiving w/ my family for the past 4 yrs., so]. well it all was good. Kate [my sister] and I had cherry dr. pepper. I think my mom had water. She doesn’t drink like. at all. [actually she had a bad experience w/ alcohol. well I mean not her personally but when she was little there was a situation involving alcohol, so]. I think my grandfather had water too. at my mom’s [well. my parents live together and they’re still married. it’s a habit I picked up from Pat] we don’t have soda. like. ever. if you want it you have to buy it yourself. which I was up until I wasn’t allowed to go anywheres [but more on that later]. It’s either water or milk or soy milk the milks get boring after awhile and I don’t like water. I change my menu seasonally and I’m under the impression that everyone else does too. I don’t drink watter [well. I don’t drink water to begin w/. I mean vitaminwater] in the fall/winter. nor do I drink milkshakes/smoothies during those times. [actually. if/when its really cold ill want a milkshake cause I’ll get really thirsty. its a weird thing about me]. The times I do eat I eat healthy – in fact when my mom and I are grocery shopping I don’t even put cookies on my grocery list. I rarely eat them even though I like them. and yet I eat processed food which is really horrible for you. well that’s bc I don’t cook. um – and I drink healthy. er that is I have healthy beverages to drink. er other than soda I mean. I like dark sodas better. um. I mean better than light sodas that is.


During dinner they talked about my mom’s trip and Logan. Apparently when he wakes up he tells Jim "dad I’m done sleepin" whether Jim is or not. he’s curious too.

oh so my sister’s like ‘where did my roll go? I guess I ate it" and I told her that story about the lady who’d called 911 when her chicken nuggets had disappeared. they talked about it on Leno. my sister knew the story. She’s cute.

My uncle’s talking about the 2 different pbs stations and he goes "one’s for Colorado and one’s for Denver" and I’m sittin there thinkin "how is that different?". yeah wow.

So they ask if the cabarnet sauvignon’s red or white and I’m like "it’s red" and my mom or someone goes "we’re not heavy drinkers". you’re funny. well ok. you don’t have to be one to know a thing or 2 about wine.

Logan was singing. another member of my musical family. my mom’s parents met in the church choir…..I was in one in middle school. there’s something you don’t know about me. The reason I’m not in one now is cause I like singing by myself. my mom’s in a choir… my grandfather and Kate used to play the cello…

Logan brings out these 2 wooden Santas and he goes "this is Mr. Claus and this is Mrs. Claus" even though they’re both guys. hey why not? dr. seuss painted blue trees, so. who says you have to follow conformity? he’s also too young to know about LGBT people i.think. I really don’t have much experience w/ kids, so. and it’s also not my job to inform him, so

After dinner we have pumpkin pie. Kate leaves early w/ Ted to go to Steamboat. they’re coming back Sund. while everyone else is looking at my mom’s slideshow on her computer my grandfather and I talk. about libraries and my late grandmother who, in his words, ‘was a great lady’. she passed 2 yrs. ago. and music.

After that my mom and I leave in my sister’s car. for some reason I’d forgotten that Kate and Ted had left in his car so I thought that they were still in kate’s car. I got confused. my mom and I go back we don’t talk much.

At my mom’s I watch part of the SNL thanksgiving show some of which I don’t like. and then at 11 ‘how I met your mother’. then I sleep till like 3 a a.m. yesterday. yeah that food really did me in.


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