I have. the best news. yay!

Ok so last night. Bob Pat’s uncle calls, for a chat and to wish me a happy Thanksgiving.

The last time I was over at their place I gave him my #.


wow.just.wow. they – Bob, Pat’s mom Muriel and his sister Cathy – really are the nicest people. I wasn’t expecting that at all. I was so touched by it. I’m again warmed by how welcoming they’ve been. It meant a lot. and was nice. and thoughtful. and it was just so lovely. And I told Muriel and Cathy as much via FB. They knew Pat and I were friends…….they genuinely like me [not that it’s all that hard. but it’s always nice when someone genuinely likes another person]……..they know Evan and I are friends.

Oh. So Evan’s spending Thanksgiving with, in the words of Bob, ‘someone’. I don’t know who but I hope it’ll be good. Honestly well a: Evan could use more friends. he’s v. anti social and 2: the guy deserves it. he really does. he’s been through a lot. he’s a nice guy, sweet. ooh! that’s the other bit of news. he’s been thinking of me. like I said. he’s a nice guy.



the super awesome miss lovely. is happy. in for this moment.


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