really, please. just stop w/ the food thing.

So, as put. I’ve been living w/ this really nice Ethopian lady Monte [yes said Monty’ as in ‘Monty Hall’]. She’s v. sweet.

except. Almost every night she either asks me if I’ve eaten enough or I have to report to her that I’ve eaten. I’d eat more if she’d leave me the hell alone about it! it’s like if you tell your friend they never call then, guess what. they’ll actually never call. they’ll turn into the person. yes that’s right. as put. never. calls.

I read that online somewhere recently. She told me she has a responsibility to make sure I am. um. yes but I don’t understand to whom though? I’ve asked her told her I want to understand but she wasn’t clear on her answer. [she’s also, as said, Ethopian so there might be a language barrier there. nothing against Ethopians I mean I love them].


I got my period last week so clearly I’m healthy. er which she doesn’t know. that I got it. it’s not something I generally go about telling people. Like I’ve posted about it on here but that’s different. And usually I don’t put in details, if any. I mean obviously I’m not that healthy if I’m not eating enough [which ok yes I’m not] but I’m not on the other end either. [yes god that was awful. I’m also not swallowing things…………for sleepies. yeah I don’t even like it when they show NyQuill commercials. ok I think we’ve connected the dots enough here. um].

Like, ok. I’ll go out and get fries [yes it’s not the best option. I realise that. But fries are one of the things I’ve been wanting and cherry creek – oh I’m currently in aurora btw – is devoid of fast food places, so. I figure if it’s something I really want then I’ma eat it. I’m not just sitting around not doing anything about this. There are both sides. no I know] and a soda and then I’ll get 2 Oddwalla chais at the store and have that during the day so I’m upping my calcium intake. at least I’m getting out! Idinno. it’s not that my mom doesn’t care it’s that. she’s super laidback about the food thing. and she always has been. [I actually really like chai. except for starbucks chai it’s ewy. in my opinion. See there ya go. Somethin I love and it ups my calcium intake. which is important for ladies].

And then, you know. If I’m up early enough which is before Patti, this other lady who’s staying w/ Monte, gets back from this program thingy she goes to during the day. [oh she gets back at 1 and leaves between 8 – 9 a.m. I don’t care for her] then I’ll have some fruit. which is more than I was doing at my mom’s eating fruit daily. er, nightly. [However I won’t eat watermelon since I was recently told it helps you lose weight and after this spring……..oh and this past Sept. well I’m avoiding it that way].


And. I brought my vitamins. which I should actually. you know, find so I can take them.

So there’s this go between person which was meant to show the other day for our appt. but didn’t even though I was there and ready. I’m not bothered by this I’m just wondering what happened. So I’ma call him tomorrow so we can talk about this.


I’m doing a lot better than she realises [yes so if we’re not told then we don’t know. No I get it. But at the same time the more you push me the more I won’t do something. hey. at least I am independent and fairly self-sufficient and self-reliant. and don’t  have to rely on everyone for everything. ……….yeah but I’m also tenacious as hell]. I actually have a pretty good handle on most things for as much as I bitch about the fact that I don’t. Like yeah obviously I’m not where I should be w/ this but at the same time………..well, as put. I got this.

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