
My house is a disaster.
My tax return money came in yesterday, a hell of a lot sooner than I expected. So Mom and I went out to go find some cheap furniture and a mattress for me. We hit up a new thrift store ran by the county sheriff, well new to us, not new as in just opened. They had cheap mattresses, so score on that account. We were testing the couches out, when the manager dude came over. We told him we were looking for a sectional, and he was all ‘oh we just got one in it’s still on the truck, come on back’. We took a peak at it on the truck, and the guy said give him ten minute to unload it. We took a stroll to the hotel liquadation warehouse. And let me tell you if you ever wanted to fully furnish a house, that place is it.
Went back to the other store and a guy had moved the center piece out, we liked the color of it so we went again to the truck. They let me in the truck, I plopped down and was in love. Cozy comfy pre-broke in leather. Lovely.
Made a deal with the guys. The sectional, so they wouldn’t even have to unload it from the truck, and the mattress. $200 for the sectional, $40 for the mattress. Now the mattress was tagged at $85, so I was stoked. We picked up a couple shirts and pj pants, and my grand total including the delivery of the furniture that day was $270. I had set aside $700 of the return money, so now I got a spare $400. I’m going to start researching  laptops, mine is old and going to die soon. Or the screen is anyway. For a year now the screen has been fraked. It only works in one position, otherwise it flickers and just goes white. Makes me think that the wires are being pinched when it’s in a certain spot.

Anyway, so we had to move all the living room furniture over into the den whatever area and I had move my old mattress out of my room. So the living room area has a mattress in the middle of the floor (that the cat has claimed already), and the futon and chair thing is just jammed over in the corner. Going to have to take apart the futon to see if I can get it in my room, and re-arrange everything.

No mind we don’t really have water. Well we do, but my shower won’t turn off, so I shut the water off to the house, and when we need water I turn it back on. Means most of the day there’s no running in the house. Waiting on the neighbor’s son to come over and fix it. The landlord was kind of an asshole apparently when he came over, bitched about smoking in the house and shit. But he did agree to let the neighbor’s son fix it. The son is a licensed contractor dude, so it’s legit, and he actually lives down the street, so it’s not a hassle really.

I tried to fix the problem myself, ending up electorcuting myself. So I gave up.

Work is lovely as always. We didn’t have any overtime for the week, so that was not really fun. Screwed up my whole sleep patterns. No point in getting up at 4 when I don’t need to be at work until 830. So I stayed up later, and got up later. But I was still over loaded with work. And NewGirl wasn’t in all week. I guess she called in said her daughter (not sure which one as she has three) was in an accident (assuming a car accident), and she wouldn’t be in until Wednesday. Wednesday came and went, and supposedly she called it. But by Friday no one (including me) had heard from her. I haven’t talked to her since late Friday night last week. I’ve tried calling, texting, and nothing. Work called her to check on her and she didn’t answer. No one has actually spoken to her, when she did call in she just left a message. So BlondeBossLady’s boss, our VP called me in to see if I knew anything. Everyone knows NewGirl and I are close, and everyone assumed she would have talked to me. So I called her Friday night on my way home, and it rang four times before voicemail picked up.

I really don’t think she’d just drop off the planet and not say something to me. Even if she had/has no intention of coming back to work, that doesn’t mean she won’t at least text me to tell me. We’re not as close and I’d like to be, but I think we’re close enough friends that she’d talk to me at least a little. Let me know she’s alive, or something. No one knows how bad the accident was, if she daughter is even okay, or which one it is. I’m thinking it was the oldest one, since the youngest isn’t old enough to the drive, and the middle one is old enough but doesn’t. Leave the oldest one, who just turned 21 that weekend.

I hate worrying. I keep giving her the benefit of doubt, that her phone is shut off (maybe even when it’s turned off it rings 4 times I don’t know), and she doesn’t  have my number memorized so she can’t call me. But why wouldn’t she call work, during work hours to tell HR what’s up. They don’t take kindly to not knowing what they’re workers are doing, if they’re coming back.

And I miss her.

Ugh, enough. I can’t keep dwelling on shit I don’t know of. I don’t know anything, and I have to just let it go. Maybe she’ll be at work on Monday. That’s the best I can hope for at this point.

Now I’m going to distract myself by looking for a nice new laptop. I may have to look into a chromebook.

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February 3, 2013

mmmmm new stuff to play wiiithhh