
Work for the first time since I’ve been in the department with BlondeBossLady has no overtime. It’s annoying. I lucked out and got approved for four hours in our department simply because I had already arranged it last week. So I did two hours yesterday morning, and I’ll do two this morning. Then I’m going to have to adjust my whole schedule. I’ve been getting up at 4 so I can be at work by 6:30. Now I won’t need to be at work till 8:30, so I guess I can sleep in till 6, and stay up till 9 or 10. I dunno. I go to sleep at 8 so I can get up at 4. This is going to be interesting.

In other news it’s BlondeBossLady birthday soon. So I have to get with my lovely coworkers to get money together for a cake and decorations. She’s making me go out with her for her birthday, so that’s going to be interesting too.

Oh, and I finally got contacts again. So I’m feeling much for like myself. I was hiding behind the glasses and longer hair, and the oversized clothes. Now I’m finding clothes that fit, and I get shirts that are a wee bit tight just so show off what little bit of cleavage I do have.
I’m down to 130 pounds, so I really just need to try to tone up. I’d like to get down to 120, but I’m more interesting in gaining muscle and toning the flab. But that requires effort. And the weight loss was without effort. Simply not eating junk food all day long, and walking a little on my breaks at work. I still eat whatever I want.

Since I’m feeling more like myself again, I’m a bit more cocky confident, and well I’m probably going to be a pain in the ass to deal with.
I need to try to get NewGirl to come over soon. If I can get her alone, and get us both comfortable I can hopefully have some time of conversation with her about what we want to happen.

Short entry for now. I should go shower and find some clothes to wear.

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January 29, 2013

WOOHOOO GETCHU some sexy clothes! LOL