
Couple bits of this entry might be a little R rated, and if girl on girl action bothers you, I’d suggest skipping it.

Let’s say this weekend has been interesting. The girl ended up coming a bit later than intended because of the rain. It was pouring out all day Friday and just finally let up to a sprinkle when we went to dinner. Dinner wasn’t that great, we went to a Thai place that had good reviews but it just wasn’t that great. The meals had more of a hot/spicy taste than any actual flavor, my beer was skunky (it had gotten hot at some point and then cold again so it tastes and smelled off), her beer was like three months past it’s best drink by date. We were both a bit nervous at first, obviously, but we lasted well. Then we went to the local gay bar that just down the road from my house. Where we got plastered. And I mean I honestly have no idea how I thought I could drive home, and I’m so glad I didn’t get pulled over. I’ve never been that drunk and drove before, it was a bad idea, and never doing it again. I’m lucky we got home in one peace.

Anyway, at the bar we sat and talked, drank. Did some jello shots. It was the performance show night so there was drag queens and one king singing and dancing. I told her a couple days ago that I’m generally not a very touchy person, so if I am touching you that means I’m comfortable with you and like you. And I couldn’t help myself and ended up starting off by just leaning my leg against hers. Then once I had enough alcohol in me I leaned over and told her I’ve been trying to resist the urge to kiss her most of the night. Then I smiled a little shyly and shrugged. Bit later we both had to pee, so once the hands were washed and all that good stuff she grabbed me and our first kiss was in the bathroom at a gay bar. So romantic. And she mumbled something about not having to be afraid to kiss her. After that the ice was totally broken and we kept touching each other, rubbing an arm or leg. A couple times we kissed right there at the bar. That’s the great thing about having a gay bar so close. We could be totally open with it and not have a single worry.

I drove us home about 1ish, and we opened a bottle of wine, and sat outside smoking. Somehow we ended up making out, and then she ended up sitting on my lap, and before I knew it we were both partially naked and her head was between my legs. Most of the night is a blur of drunken naked sex. For some reason though everytime I time I tried to go down on her she would not like say no but make it hard to do so. So I didn’t. I’m not sure why, and I’ll probably ask at some point. But honestly she kept distracting me with her fingers or her tongue and I’d forget that I was intending to go down on her. And oh god the things she can do. If she’s that good drunk I’m in for it when she’s sober. I know she dressed again and curled up, she on top of me kissing my neck. Fell asleep that way.

Half hour or so later though I woke up violently sick. I was up every fifteen minutes throwing up. I struggled through it and when she woke up around 7 ish and pulled me too her to cuddle, I felt so sick that I couldn’t even stay in her arms. I kept getting up. Finally my stomach settled enough for me to doze for an hour ish as she held me. We spent the day being lazy.

Here’s the interesting bit. Friday night totally had drunken sex. Saturday we were a lot more calm and gentle together. Kissed quickly once, but mostly we just leaned against each other while watching TV. When we finally went to bed to sleep she was starting to get a fever. I’m pretty sure the girl has a cold. So I held her and we fell asleep like that. Middle of the night she woke up with a raging fever, and took some advil to knock it down. I mean her skin was burning. She called in late to work, and didn’t leave until 9ish. As she left I got a nice warm hug, and a nice goodbye kiss.

We did keep mentioning doing stuff together, and dude we have so damn much in common it’s scary. We’re nearly perfectly compatible. I’m a bit concerned over her drinking, but it’s not an issue at the moment, if I see it becoming one than I’ll mention something. I think we’re going to try to do this kinda slow, and Friday night drunk sex was more of a lack of impulse control thing. I’m guessing she digs me if she didn’t want to go home yesterday, and didn’t want to this morning either but had to. I’m trying to not text her and ask her about what she thinks about an us, but I dunno that seems a bit too early to be going there. I don’t mean it as like serious till death thing, but I can see it becoming serious. I wanna take it slow though, not that I’d turn down more sex, but it mixes up all the emotions.

Anyway, I should at least text her and tell her I had a great time with her. And then figure out what I’m doing today.

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June 10, 2012

Maybe it was her time in the cycle. I don’t know that I would want someone down there if that was the case. Of course, I also had girls that just never wanted that to happen, even once, do maybe it is just an insecurity thing. Though, if being a full on lesbian is her deal, I would think that would be an unfortunate thing to cut off the menu.

June 10, 2012

^^ I agree with that, it’s possible it was that time and she was like “oh noooess don’t go down there!” lol OR if she was wicked drunk, if she was starting to feel sick, I can totally see where she’d stop that from happening if she knew she could potentially get sick. I ignored that impulse once while completely trashed and the more worked up I got and hot, I got so SICK so suddenly it was AWFUL!!