
I figured out the easiest way to keep myself in a generally good mood at work. Disney songs. It’s wicked hard for me to not get all ‘happy pants’** when I’m listening to Disney songs. I mostly only listen to music now during the morning before everyone gets in. Otherwise I’m constantly having to pause it. Did I mention I’m part of a new unit? Team Ninja, is our nickname. One of the higher ups (HAL) has taken it upon himself to help train trainees in doing AVR (which is what I was doing with BlondeBossLady). So I got sucked in too. File supping they said. Which means double checking the work for errors. Editing. It’s rather fun actually. But then HAL realized that I knew more about the process than he did, and I ended up also a trainer. Which works. It’s rather funny. I’m suddenly confident and goofy, with a smile on my face when I’m training. I think part of it is I’ve lost about 30 to 40 pounds since I’ve started working there. So for the first time since I was like 18 my stomach is more or less flat. No more muffin top. Feeling better about myself leads me to feelings more confident, charming, and dare I say it, sexy. I often stare at myself in the mirror now going ‘huh when did my boobs start to look so nice, oh look at that my hip bones are rather sexy aren’t they, ooh look at that ass’.

Though now my job is ten times more stressful. I’m the final step. I have to make the final call on whether to let something go through or not. It’s rather scary. And I haven’t seen CountyRejectGirl yet to know how many of the files I’m passing are getting rejected by the county. Maybe I’ll hear something on Monday. I’m nervous about it. I’ve never had to file supe and they have me doing it with trainees. When I say trainees I mean people who haven’t even gotten to Step 1 of DE training. They competed the basic company, and that’s more or less it.

Luckily for me HAL has realized my awesome-ness. He’s sent an email out to HR wanting a note made in my personnel file that I’m just so awesome. Which I’m guessing is what happened when DT and WG did when I got that first award. Freaks me out a bit. I hated that. I’m perfectly fine being my charming self when I’m with a smaller group of people who really have no choice but to listen to me (and I prove to them time and time again that I know what I’m talking about, I earn their respect). I panic and spaz when I’m called up in front of a large group of people. Eek.

Though HAL had me slightly confused yesterday. Obviously, I’m a bit… quirky. Or more so, I’m a geek, and the more of an adult I have to be, the more child-like geek nees will ooze out. I draw dinosaurs on the people’s paper when I get bored. Or make a little comment if something amuses me. HAL emailed me asking which two trainees I think we should move up and give to BBL. Then we exchanged a couple about how we’re getting x many more trainees on Monday, and two out, so we’d up with 9 trainees for me. Which lead me to saying, "9? I don’t like 9, it’s an odd number that isn’t divisible by 5. But I make 10, so I guess it’ll do." Because yes, I dislike odd numbers that aren’t divisible by five. I’m just special that way. He replied, "Sometimes I get nervous being around you…"

How the hell should I take that? I took it in the vein of "you make me nervous sometimes". As a joke ya know? So I replied, "I”m just quirky." And that was that. Only if he meant you make me nervous sometimes, why not say that. Why say I get nervous being around you? I’d say that to someone I have a crush on. Which throws me off. I’m guessing he meant it as a joke about my amusing ability to be a strange goof ball who happens to be damn fucking good at my job somehow.

But my strange goof ball-ness is why I’m so good at my job. I never saw the point of having to be serious all the time. Work doesn’t have to be a hard serious thing. There’s no reason why we can’t all have fun with our job. It’s mind-numbing and tedious at times, and other times it’s stressful and full of stuff that makes you go ‘what the fuck is going on?’ So I counter act it by having fun. Doesn’t mean I don’t know how to lay down the law when needed, just means I’ve managed to balance being friendly and in charge.

Starting Monday I have to park my car is the spare lot again. I’m actually rather excited about it. I’ve been walking on my two fifteen minute breaks, so now I’ll be walking over a mile and a half each day. I may even walk a bit at lunch break since I won’t have my car to sit in. One of the girls I’ve been walking with walks on lunch too, so I guess we can walk together then as well. Though I’m sure my knee will protest for the first week or so.

Moving is looming ahead. I’m not sure how everything is going to get paid. Deposits, and rent, and bills, and a mover. Ugh. I’ll manage it somehow. I’ll have to make an entry with the shit I need to get done so I don’t forget.

 Know what I hate? The fact that I know I always have to pee when I get up, yet my sleepy brain goes on auto pilot to get coffee and cigarettes first thing. So I spend fifteen minutes having to pee like a race horse while I wake up enough to actually have the ability to get to the bathroom. I don’t care that I always wake up at 5 am, I can never manage to get coherent enough to function until I’ve had two cigarettes and half a cup of coffee. By the time I get up I’m nearly peeing my pants. Ugh.

** When I’m excited/happy a habit of wiggling my hips and ass. Pretty much if I had a tail I’d be wagging it. Snowflake named me happy pants because of it.

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