
Surveys, because I’m too tired to actually do a real entry. These 10+ hour days are getting to me.

1. What’s under your bed?
2. When was the last time you cried?
Uh, a bit ago. I’d say few months. And then it was more anxiety/manic frustration crying than boo-hoo sad crying.

3. What was the last lie you said?
What isn’t a lie? Crap, uh, probably something from work. Like how I wouldn’t mind going to pick up stat sheets when I really would. Didn’t end up having to do it though. Yay.
4. What does your purse/wallet/backpack look like?
Wallet is black leather with pink interior. Bag is either my small targus netbook bag, or if I have stuff to bring to work, my large laptop bag.
5. Do you believe in karma?
6. Ghosts?
7. Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how many?
Pinky finger, pinky toe, probably my ankle I hate the doctors enough that I wouldn’t even go when I was in extreme pain, and now my ankle is crooked so…
8. What do you like to be called?
Jennifer, Jen, Jae
9. Do you make wishes on shooting stars?
Airplanes. I’ve never seen a shooting star.
10. Have you ever been surfing?
Boogie boarding, does that count?
11. Have you ever shoplifted?
Once, when I was like 14.
12. Do you cook? 
Yes, Yes I do.
13. Do you even know how to cook?
Pretty well actually.

14. Do you like skittles or m&ms?
Both are yummy.
15. Do you spend more time on the computer or watching t.v?
I tend to have the tv on when I’m on the computer, so both equally.
16. What would you do if you caught your best friend stealing from you?
She’d have to come over first.
17. Do you like cake?
Some cake.
18. Do you know how to play the piano? 
No. That whole keyboard class I had to take in school never took.
19. Can you do the splits?
20. Stripes or poka-dots?
21. Walk or run? 
Walk. I’d probably die if I had to run.
22. Truth or dare?
Truth. Not like I’d tell the truth though.

23. Whats your overall best feature? 
My eyes I guess.
24. Whats your overall worst feature?
My personality probably.
25. Can you roller skate? 
26. Do you believe in magic?
27. Do you have any tattoos? What’s your favorite one?
I have three.  I think the Leo symbol and constellation is my fave.
28. Scars? How’d you get one of them? 
Lots. Some harmless playing type things, accidents, other, well yeah.
29. Can you dance?
Nope. Not at all.
30. Sing?
Not well.
31. What is your hair color? 
Brownish reddish.
32. Do you have highlights/dyed your hair? 
All the time.
33. Do you have braces?
34. Can you draw? 
No. I wish I could.
35. Can you whistle? 
Yes I can.
36. Do you have glasses/contacts? 
Yes, that reminds me I need to get new glasses. 
37. How tall are you? 
5’3 and a half.
38. Red or white rose?

39. Chocolate or vanilla?

40. Milk chocolate or dark chocolate?
Milk chocolate.

41. Do you wear jewelry?
A thin silver chain.

42. Inside or outside? 
43. What is your eye color?
44. Do you have any piercings?
Not anymore. I could attempt to get my lip piercing back in, but ow.
45. What is your favorite color?

What’s your favorite color gummy bear? Red.

What is the sexiest part of the opposite/same sex’s body? Hands.

Have you ever made up/sang a song for someone you cared about? Poems that could be a song maybe.

Ever had a song sang about/for you? I think once.

Is there a baby in the room with you right now? Baby hamsters.

Do you know how to dance? No.

Where do you sing the most, in the car, in the shower or other? In the car.

What is your favorite thing that is green? Oh, everything green. My Slytherin tie lanyard maybe. Since I wear it everyday.

What did your last text message say? "Ah I see"

Boxers, briefs, or boxer briefs? For comfort boxer briefs, but since they bunch up wicked bad under my jeans, briefs.

What is your middle name? Ann-Elizabeth

What is the way to your heart? Honesty.

What do you smell like? Adidas perfume

What’s in your pocket? Nothing.

Anything in your mouth? A cigarette and the lingering taste of the beer I’m drinking.

Ever hurt yourself playing Wii? Twisted my knee a few times, but I do that just walking. Stupid knee.

Do you have freckles? Yes, all over.

How many languages can you say "Hello" in? English, French, Italian, Spanish, so 4

What’s the last movie you saw in the theater? The Lion King.

Ever jumped/fallen/been pushed in a pool with your clothes on? Yes. Jumped, and pushed. I used to always jump in with my clothes on when we owned a pool.

Are you wearing any clothes that you wore yesterday? Nope.

Name a song that you know all the words to: Half of the ones on my ipod.

What’s the last thing you watched on TV? Jeopardy

What’s the last video game you played? Left 4 Dead 2

Who is your daddy and what does he do? I don’t know what he does at the moment.

Can you do the alphabet in sign language? I used to. And basic conversations.

Do you have an uncle named Joe? No.

What word do you use when people pass gas? Fart.

Do you wear glasses? Yes

What can you hear right now? TV and the bird is chirping.

Did you feel better or worse or the same as yesterday? Worse. I’m exhausted.

Ever been overseas? Does Mexico and the Bahamas count… if so then yes.

What are your plans for today? SLEEP

What was your favorite childhood show? Doug.

Are you close to your siblings? Nope.

What was your first job? Serving in an senior living place.

Do you bite your nails? No.

Do you like your feet? Sure.

Do you sleep well at night? Not really. No.


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