
Yesterday was the first day at the new job. It was… boring. I work too fast. Always have. I read fast, I work fast. So I was done with the stuff hours (four) before the day was over, and I had to sit and wait for the rest of the group to finish. They never did. One did, then one finished up just before the day was over, and I think one still has a few things to do.

Also, I’m kinda offended that one of the trainer implied that I didn’t really understand what was there, that I just read through it and memorized it. Excuse me, never, ever question what I do and do not understand. If I say ‘I’m done, I got it’ then I do. There’s only one thing I’m cocky about, that’s my intelligence. One of the other new girls kept cracking a joke about how I’m a nerdy genius. I am. Doesn’t bother me. I’m proud of how smart I am.

The other trainer (I’m so going to need to either just use people’s real names or give them nicknames for here), quizzed me and I got it all right. I read the material at least a dozen times, I re-did all the questions I had already done, I know it backwards and forwards, and could probably quote it nearly word for word if pressed. I think the trainers are going to be a bit shocked when we go over it today.

They also asked if  I had any questions. I don’t have any basic questions, those are already answered in the packet thing. I have hypothetical questions. Higher level thinking questions. I was also told to write down my questions for when we go over it today. So I did.

Ugh. Kinda-rant over. Just easily frustrated when I’m not being able to work at my own speed. I get twitchy if I don’t have anything to do.

Have to be in business attire today, there’s a client coming in. Sucks.

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