
Actual Entry <—

Be honest; name of the last person to text you?

This time last year what was your relationship status?

What is the 15th text message in your inbox?
Urgh you mean I have to take it off thread view? Hold On. "Where are they located"? from Demon.

How many radio stations do you listen to?
None. Well that’s not true. If it’s just me in the car I have my iPod playing. With mom I end up listening to either 94.9 or 98.7. 

When was the last time you were in a car with someone besides family?
Last Tuesday the BFF and I.

What’s your favorite show or shows?
X-Files, Xena, Buffy, Battlestar. But I watch a lot of Discovery Channel, A&E, Science Channel, etc. A lot of those survivor shows, like Man V Wild, Man Woman Wild, stuff like that. 

Have you told anybody you loved them today?
Uh, no not yet. I’m sure I’ll tell the BFF I love her at some point today since she’s a stupid ass and got in trouble and is whining.

What are your plans for the weekend?
I’m supposed to house/dog sit, but I can’t remember if it was this weekend or next weekend. If it’s not this weekend I’ll be unpacking the crates we got out of storage Monday. 

What do you currently hear right now?
The TV.

What were you doing Friday night?
No clue. Depends on where I am.

What would your name be with the first three letters?

Do you want to see somebody right now?
Not really. I’m wishing I was born male at the moment. And wondering why I swear I had my period two weeks ago, and have it again so soon. I hate being a woman some days. So I’m grumpy, overly emotional, and liable to be a total asshole to anyone.

Think back to the last person you held hands with, would you kiss them?
I did. Not at the same time I was holding hands. But ya know, prior. 

Do you know anyone that smokes pot?
Who doesn’t? Seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who doesn’t know someone who smokes pot.

Where was the last place you fell asleep other than your bed?
The futon. I really don’t sleep if I’m not in my own house or a hotel room. Hence why I’m kicking myself for agreeing to the house/dog sit thing. Stupid fucker. My anxiety is through the roof over it. 

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

What’s the last compliment you received?
"That’s more your kinda thing, you’re good at spelling and shit." Oh Demon, you’re just bursting with compliments. 

Your best friend needs you at 3 am, do you go help them?
Depends what the problem is. If it’s a legit reason sure I’d help them. 

Have you ever slept in the same bed as your friends?

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months?
Honestly? No. Not unless the person was very accepting and understanding of my mood swings and shit.

Are you on a desktop or laptop?
I’m using a Compaq laptop. I’m pretty sure the desktop would crash if I had this many tabs open.

Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
It would be nice.

Who was the last female you talked to?

Is the last person of the opposite sex you texted single?
He’s in a relationship. But she doesn’t mind me. She did at first because Demon had to tell her everything he and I ever did together, and how awesome I am, and how he’s going to me baby’s daddy one day. And he forgot to mention that I’m gay. So… she hated me for a few months.

What does your last text message say?
Inbox- "I’d have to be nice to my dad. But I did call him this morning for advice. Just need dad to be nice to mom. But I’d give anything to move west."
Outbox- "I just might 🙂 for real this time."

Is there someone who has made a difference in your life?
Sure, a lot of people. Good, bad, indifferent, everyone makes a difference.

Does the last person who texted you ever make you smile?
Most of the time. Today I was ready to strangle her. But maybe it’ll knock some sense into her head. 

Where do you want to live when you are older?
Anywhere that isn’t here. Or the midwest. I really would give up a lot to get a chance to move West. 

Where is the shirt you’re wearing from?
Let’s see. A thrift store. Most of the my tshirts from there. Always lots of variety. This one is yellow with a woman’s head and torso with a vague look of lust/passion, and uh bubbles. 

Would you rather tell somebody straight up, or wait?
Straight up. 

Is your hair long enough to put in a ponytail?
A really small one. Like maybe a half inch tail. 

Would you eat a cockroach for your last ex if they asked you?
Depends on why. For a decent amount of money, yes. For no reason, hell fucking no. For her life, I suppose I could.

Are there any stressful situations in your life?
When in the past 6 months has my life not been stressful? Let’s see, a possible job, Dad possibly getting a job offer in Arizona or California, having to get the stuff from storage and now unpack it and fit it somewhere, Mom and her job, no money, and my period. It’s a nice time right now for me.

When’s the last time you fell asleep watching a movie?
I don’t remember. I don’t really fall asleep watching movies. If I did it was on purpose. Like I left the tv on for noise. 

How many cell phones have you had in your life?
I think this is my 11th phone. Let me think. The blue one, then Virgin Mobile silver flippy, then Verizon flippy, Verizon slide, Metro flippy, Sprint palm, TMobile red crap flippy, Boost candy bar sticky, Tmobile G1, Tmobile flippy, Tmobile Galaxy S. Then we can count the two other phones on my account that are mine. So that’s 13. Plus the two phones I bought Dad before this one.
So… 15 total phones. But 11 personal ones.  

Last night, did you go to sleep smiling?
I don’t know. I don’t think so. 

Have you had sex today?
No. I can’t remember the last time I did. Ugh.

What should you be doing right now?
Unpacking. Cleaning. Eating. Something worth while. Luckily my mother real

izes that day 1 is horrible for me and I generally do nothing but try to not die. 

What day of the week is it?

What does that mean you have to do?
I don’t ever have to do anything anymore.

What are your plans for tomorrow?
Finish cataloging all my books. Try to get stuff kinda organized and unpacked. Maybe start the costume.

Where do you work?
From my futon in the living room. 

What was the last book you read?
Alpha Rising. Though since I got 90% of my books back I’m having trouble not just diving into like 10 books. 

Are you pro-choice?
It’s complicated. It depends on the situation. I’m not good at blanket answers. 

Are you a vegetarian?
Not really. Though most of the time I’d say yes. We don’t really eat a lot of meat anymore. 

What is your favorite kind of salad dressing?

How old will you be in 2013?
25? Yeah. Damn I’m getting old.

When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Oh boy. Uh a vet, a teacher, a marine biologist, a profiler, a forensic pathologist, fbi, a cop, a lawyer, a scientist, an astronomer. And honestly I kinda want to still be all those things. I’ve never had one burning desire. No, well forensic path was a burning desire, but I’d never get through Med school.

Have you ever been in someone’s wedding?

Would you rather visit the Taj Mahal or the Eiffel Tower?
Eiffel Tower. Paris. Yes.

Do you live in Florida, Nebraska, or Virginia?
Yes I do. 

Have you ever been to South America?
Yes. Right? I mean Cozumel, Mexico is S. America isn’t it? 

Did your last kiss mean anything to you?
I’m sure it was the BFF, so… I guess? I mean it was sweet, and all. But it’s not like I’m in love with her or anything. So… kinda.

If your house was on fire, what 3 things would you try and save?
Oh shit. Three? Animals I guess. And my laptop. And my writing. Yeah. 

What does your status say right now?
No clue.

Have you ever ridden on a subway?

Are your toenails painted at the moment?
No they are not.

Open the nearest book, turn to page 8 and type the first sentence:
"When I go through the mowing field,"- I had to count the pages out since the nearest is a collection of Robert Frost poems. 
But the nearest novel book, "But Ettarr had fallen sick and miscarried, and Igraine had enough intuition not to ask Gwen why she looked so pleased at the event." -Mists of Avalon. My all time favorite book. I love it. My copy is so battered I’m surprised the cover is still in as good shape as it is.

Have you showered yet today?
Not yet. I will soon. 

What were you doing the last time 11am rolled around?
Talking to Demon on the phone.

What do you plan to be doing in 2 hours?
Hopefully I’ll be watching something on Netflix while eating chocolate or ice cream.

What is your middle name?

Do you prefer to write in pen or pencil?
Pen. Fountain pen.

Do you keep a journal?
Yes. I rarely update it. I should try to do better.

Are you still friends with your best friend from kindergarten?
Nope. I moved from NY to CT the summer before 1st grade, so I never saw any of those kids again. 

What did you do on your last birthday?
The day itself? Nothing. 

What brand is the deodorant you use?
Secret Sweet Pea and Violet I think it is.

What was the last movie you watched?
Ironclad. It was a pretty decent movie.

Are you ticklish?
Very. But I can mostly control the response.

Are you shy?

Are you hot-tempered?
I can be. 

Was your mom over 30 when she had you?
I think she was. Let me do the math. Yup 33. Dad was 25 though.

Have you ever won more than $100 dollars playing the lottery?
Not the lottery. Gambling I have though.

Have you ever played strip poker?
No. Strip foosball though. 

What is your most memorable Halloween costume?

When was the last time you ate popcorn?
At the movies. It’s the only time I like popcorn.

What color is the floor of the room you are in?
Tan ish.

Who is your 4th phone contact and how do you know them?
The apartment complex. If we count actual people, then one of my Aunts.

Have you ever lived in a dorm?

Do you live in an apartment?

Are any of your friends pregnant?
Not that I’m aware of. Though I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if someone I was friends with is. 

Do you have any nieces or nephews?
Yeah. Two of each.

Who do you trust with your secrets?
Not even myself somedays.

How short would you be willing to cut your hair?
I’d like to have it short enough to faux-hawk again. But I’m going to hold out until I’m more comfortable with myself like I was then.

Do you wish on shooting stars?
Never seen one. I do wish on the first star I see at night, or a plane if it happens to be there.

If someone made a movie about your life, who would star as you?
No idea. Never really thought about it.

Is your birthday in winter?
Nope. Summer.

What’s the story behind your most noticeable scar?
Most noticeable. In a fit of anger and whatever I took a knife to my arm. Not my wrist, my forearm area. I was stronger than I thought. I was a stupid teenager.

Is your car newer than a 2000?

Did you graduate high school within the last 2 years?
It was 2006, though I stopped going in 2005.

Is there anything buried in your closet you wouldn’t want anyone to find?
Uhm. Yeah. My box of… stuff. 

What was the last song you listened to?
Gravity-Sara Bareilles. 
Gah, stupid song makes me wanna cry. It was on Dancing with the Stars last night, and it reminded me that it was in ‘Loving Annabelle’ and I so like that movie. Maybe I’ll watch it again today. 

Where do you see yourself in the next 3 years?
No clue. Somewhere.

What kind of computer do you have?

Do you like sushi?
 Some kinds. Mostly not so much.

Name the last thing you ate.
Uh, I think I had a bowl of cereal last night at like 8. I haven’t eaten since then.

When is the last time you went out to eat?
When Mom and I went for Mexican a month or so ago I think.

Where did you go?

Do you like mushrooms on your pizza?
GODS NO! I really hate them.

How many pairs of flip-flops do you own?
Three? Brown, black, orange. 

Have you ever walked on the beach at night?
Used to do it all the time when I lived across from it.

What is one thing you really want right now?
Someone to feed me. And rub my tummy.

Are you 100% sure of anything right now?
That I believe I am alive. I can’t be sure I’m alive, since I can’t be sure I’m really real (’cause ya know what is real, and what is life, and such), but I know I perceive that I am alive.

Do you use a bar of soap or body wash?
Body wash. That’s also shampoo. I get pissed that I see so many men’s combo ones, the shampoo and body wash that’s the same ya know? So I found the least manly smelling one and bought it. It smells like clean crisp citrus, and I love it.

What’s one thing you almost always have to do before you go to bed?
Bathroom. And turn on the fan and ocean waves sound on the alarm clock.

Without looking can you say what colour the sheets are on your bed?
White with the faintest hit of red.

Are you dating the last person you kissed?

Do you like the way you look?
At the moment no.

How’s your hair right now?
Decent enough. I think I’m getting used to it being this length. And the BFF loves the color so…

Last time you were outside?
This morning when I walked Mom to the door on her way to work.

Do you ever scream just to make yourself feel better?
In my head. 

Why do you think people like you?
Because I’m generally level headed and logical when it comes to most things. And I’m cute.

Can you keep a secret?

Have you ever lied to a friend?
Yes. All the time. 

What would you do if you got pregnant right now?
Call the tabloids and get super rich. 

Have you dated more than 6 people?

Did things end badly with your last ex?
Not really. We don’t talk, but we ended fine.

Do you know how to play Gin?

What is your favorite board game of all time?
Trivia pursuit type games. I tend to win. 

What is one thing people do on a day to day basis that drives you nuts?
Talk. Breathe. Live. Drive. People as a whole and in general drive me nuts.

Did you enjoy kindergarten?
I don’t know. I think so. I liked nap time I think at least.

What do you need from the store?
Pain pills. That don’t make me sick. Ugh. Owie. 

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