
Went on my belated birthday date with the BFF yesterday. She took me to the Dali Museum. Awesome! We were going to go to dinner, have a drink and all, but my mother called and asked us to get back home. My mom and Demon’s mother were watching the baby for us. And they were getting a bit tired.

The Dali was the bomb. Seriously. Like it was awesome. It would have been more awesome if I didn’t end up driving in the pouring blankets of rain half the way there on the highway. It was so bad I could just barely see a car 10 feet in front of me. It was wicked bad. And I proved to the BFF my internal gps mapping skills after she whined that we didn’t have a gps and never been there before and, "Do you need directions? I can print some. A map?" No dear sweet friend, I don’t. I do not get lost. I look a map, the available roads to get there, the possible traffic, and the seedy I rather not drive there areas, and then I make my own route. If for some reason I get sidetracked, I know which direction I’m going, the cross streets, and the roads to get to the cross streets. Hence, I never get lost. I think the most I was "lost" was about 5 minutes before I said ‘fuck it’ and turned around to go back to where I mis-turned. I’m not like a man, I have no problem driving back in a circle to get to where I know something went wrong, and then go from there again.
Actually, I really like I go on roads that I know from experience. I get on the highway the same way all the time. It’s not the most effective way from this end of the county, but it’s what I know.

I totally fell in love with a drawing/sketch/whatever Dali did of a lion. Now, we all know I’m a Leo, so lion ROOOOAR. And this lion is bad ass. I love it. I so just spent twenty minutes trying to find it online but I can’t. I’ll have to scan in the postcard of it BFF bought me. I was surprised the most of his stuff wasn’t just his classic surrealism stuff. Even in my classes I never knew he did a fair amount of Renaissance-esque large canvases later in life, and in the beginning he did the classic boring landscape. crap. I love his middle periods, to me it was his best. He had a huge sense of humor though in the names of his works. Some were like horribly specific. Like "Three Young Surrealist Women Holding in Their Arms the Skins of an Orchestra."

It was a blast.

Now I’m cooking dinner. Chicken cordon bleu with bacon, and baked potatoes and french cut green beans. And while it’s cooking I’ll finish coloring.

Yes, that’s right. I’m coloring.

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September 28, 2011

OHHHHH That sounds like it was AWESOME!!!!!