
Watched Deja Vu All Over Again (Season 4 Xena last ep), yesterday.

Have to say I giggled like a school girl at the ending. More so because I imagined subtext bitch slapping maintext in the face a few times before sitting on it’s chest and going "nener nener nener, I win, you lose, ha!!!". Seriously? How can anyone not say they’re lovers after that episode? Regardless of whatever else happens in the next two seasons, it’s kinda obvious. Like blunt in your face, obvious.

Now, Ted Raimi (Joxer), is actually Xena in this time frame/period/uber. Gabrille is still Gabrielle.

Gabby is all, I remember when we first met.

Montage of cute Xena n’ Gabby moments of smiles and hugs.

KISSES! So, it would have been nicer if they kept Xena in Xena and Joxer in Joxer instead of switching the two. But I think the point they were making was no matter what body they end up in, they’re together.

No mind the fact that in Chakram when Xena has no idea of her life, the fighting, and destruction, she remembers Gabrielle, and knows they’re going to be together for eternity, always.

So cute.

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August 26, 2011

I totally dug Renee in the hippy garb in that episode lol