The Proposition

The proposition.
And it’s not as dirty as it sounds, honest.

I was in my Bio lecture Monday night. Class was just getting started. The professor pulled up the calender.
"I have a proposition for you guys," she says. I cock an eyebrow (as best I can, I’m not good at it). The class looks around a mixture of curious trepidation on their faces. I look at the calender.

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Chapter 8/9

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Chapter 9/10

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Exam 2

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Ch 5, 6, 7, 8

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Exam 3

 [public]  Public


Ch 9, 10, 12

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Spring Break

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Spring Break

 [public]  Public


Chapter 13


Looks rather straight forward. Then I feel the trepidation. She’s not going to suggest we add chapters 9 and 10 to exam 2, and  then put 12 on exam 3 is she? That would be horrible, and far to much to study for. Please no, I pleaded to the Gods I don’t believe in. My inner snarky voice whispers that I should be praying to Athena.
"You have a choice." Pause for dramatic effect. The room is silent. A pin could be heard dropping to the floor. The carpeted floor. "I realized that lecturing ahead before the exam is hard for some of you. You don’t want to have the extra information going on when you’re focused on the chapters for the exam." Another pause. "How about, everyone will have to agree on this, and I’ll ask you to vote on it later. We can make exam 3 a take home. You’ll have all of spring break to work on it, and turn it in the Monday you get back. If you all agree to the take home then the lectures for 9, 10, and 12 will be optional. You won’t have to come to those. But you will have to come on the second to get the exam. You can stay for the class period to work on it together, or leave, or whatever. So think about it, and we’ll vote later."
The class all looks at each other. She couldn’t possibly be offering to skip a full class and half of this one, and letting us take home an exam. That’s… that’s far too easy, and nice. What’s the catch? Someone asks her to repeat it, clarify in simple terms. "Yes you can leave after chapter 8, and you won’t have to come Wednesday. That’s only if you all choose to take exam 3 home to complete. Exam 2 will still be in class on Monday."
Hmm… doesn’t sound like there’s a catch. She is rather nice, pleasant, maybe she really just wants us to get a break. Mumblings go up in the room, people whispering to their neighbour about it. Finally someone, the blonde who sits in front of me raises her hand. "Why don’t we just vote for it now?"
She asks, "are you sure? I wanted to give you time to think about it." Think about it? What do we need to think about? Get out of class and take home the exam, which means it’s open book, open notes, open Google search for the right answer. No need to think. The class for once in agreement all nods. "Okay, well, who wants to take the exam in class?"
No hand is raised. Poor professor actually seems to pout a little. I feel a twinge of guilt. Part of me wants to reassure her, it’s not that we don’t like her, it’s that we’re college students and will take any way out of doing extra work. "Okay, exam three will be a take home then. Since it’s a take home, you won’t have to come for the lectures. The powerpoints are up, and the homework I won’t collect. It’s good as a final exam study tool though, so I’ll give you the correct answers anyway."
And onward to chapter 8 we went. The lecture finished, she told us, "those who don’t want to stay can leave. Now still read the chapter, and go over the homework. If you want to come Wednesday, I’ll be here. We can even review if no one wants to have the lecture. It’s up to you guys."
I bolted out of the room. I was patient enough to not be the first to leave. I may like Biology, but I’m not going to stay in a class when I don’t have to. In the parking lot I realized at least 3/4 of the class was going to their cars. Another twinge of guilt. I bet no one even shows for Wednesday. Maybe some of the over-achievers, or those that have another class after. But I’m not waiting three hours in my hot sweaty car for no good reason.
In conclusion. My Bio Prof is awesomely amazing, and I don’t have to go to Bio today.

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