
Because I seem to have a habit of getting distracted in the mornings, reading or watching Xena, I end up nearly being late to class a bit. So I figured instead of doing fun things, I would get the assignments done that are due tonight instead of waiting to do them on break. So I did. But now I still have at least an hour before I have to start getting ready to leave. That’s leaving early so I can get to Starbucks. Without a steady supply of coffee and/or energy drinks by the time I have my Bio lecture I’m yawning and unable to pay attention.

I also have to think of something to bring for lunch.

And load new eps of Xena on my tablet. Not that I normally have time to watch a full ep, but I can watch half and then the other half. I’m about half way through season 3.

Also need to clean all the cat hair off my backpack. BuddyBoy decided to sleep on it last night. And he’s shedding like crazy. Guess it’s nearly Spring. In Winter his coat gets fuller, and then once it’s gets warm out he looses all the extra fluffiness. Which means everything he touches is covered in fur. Doesn’t matter if I brush him or not, fur all over.

Well I suppose I could take a shower, and get dressed. Might as well, otherwise I’ll get lost in something and end up late. As usual. I thought taking classes after noon would be great since I’m not a morning person. Except I still wake up at 7, no matter what time I go to bed or how badly I try to stay asleep. Still wake up. So by the time I have to leave, I’m drowsy and want to take a nap. I have no desire to go to class when I’ve been awake for 5 hours already and barely slept for more than 4. I did take a sleeping pill last night though so I actually managed close to 7 I think. Sleeping pills give me nightmares though. Worse than normal. I sleep, but I’m plagued by Morpheus. Kind of a damned if I do, damned if I don’t. Take the pills and I sleep but dream, don’t take the pills and I don’t sleep but I also don’t dream.

Off to shower and try to get up some energy to want to go to class.

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