
I’m loving my android based tablet. I load a few episodes of Xena on it, and watch them during my long break on Wednesdays. I tried to watch them on my smaller breaks Monday, but I get to wrapped up in it, and nearly missed a class. I didn’t want to stop watching.

I have to say I’m rather mad at both Xena and Gabby right now. More so at Gabby really, which I never thought I would be. I see her motivation, but I’m pissed at her for not trusting Xena. Twice. And then I kind of fell in love with Callisto. Poor tortured bottle blonde. She thought destroying Xena’s family would take her pain away, and it only made her empty. Her eyes, man they were so full of pain I wanted to give her a big hug and never let her go.

I’m learning a lot in my classes. Actually grasping what’s going on in Algebra. It’s graphing, I’ve always been good at graphing. It’s something tangible, I can see it, create it, deconstruct it. Bio is going okay. I understand it enough to get it, but I don’t know how I’ll do on the test. I think the test is Wednesday, so I might start studying and going over stuff this weekend. And Humanities is well, it is what it is. We’re doing Frankenstein right now. I have an online discussion on themes and stuff. We started talking about themes Wednesday. I have a few good ideas. It’s interesting, since I never really read read the book and compared it to the common movie ideas.

I’m going to go read some Xena fanfiction. I think it’s all I  do in my spare time, besides actually watch Xena.

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February 18, 2011

1. Which episode are you referring to? 2. Luvmesomecallisto 3. have you ever seen the video where Alexandra Tydings (Aphrodite) and Claire Stansfield (Alti) are doing an interpretive reading of a fanfic the found online? HILARIOUS!