
I’m so going to fail my algebra test. Which is stupid. I took algebra in 8th grade, 9th grade, and then two years ago. Now I’m a higher level algebra, but for now it’s really the basic review stuff. I know I’ve learned this stuff already. And yet I can’t do it. I mean, I can do it. I think I have the right answer, and half the time I’m totally and utterly wrong. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I have to look at an example to follow along with because I keep forgetting how to do it. My brain keeps trying to jump ahead without fully completing the previous step, and just fuck. It sucks. I’ve also emailed my professor about something and I know she read the email but she still hasn’t replied. Which makes me not want to ask anymore questions because what’s the point? I want to know if we have to show all our work. For some problems when it was to use the quadratic formula to get the answer, I can factor the problem in my head to get the answer. So would I get in trouble for not doing the problem the way we’re supposed to? I mean if I get the right answer, I think that’s what should matter.

I hate math. No, that’s a lie. I don’t really hate math, I just struggle with it. With stupid things. I mix up the signs, or forget to fully multiply all the terms. Stupid stuff.

I three tests next week, three quizzes, and 6 or so homework assignments due.

I’m broke. Somehow I’ve overdrafted my account. And my unemployment it on hold until they verify I’m in school. Because I’m an idiot and instead of saying ‘sure I’m available’ I clicked no, I’m in school two days a week. Stupid stupid stupid me. Top it off I have a $264 ticket for running a red light, that I didn’t really run in the manner the ticket states, but I’m not going through the hassle to fight it in court. This is my first ticket. I’ve never been pulled over, never been in an accident, and this was an odd situation. I was stuck in the intersection because the little old lady in front of me was driving like 2mph, so I was stuck out there. And the cop busted me. I figured he’d give me a warning, but nope. First traffic violation ever, and I’ve had my license since I was 16. Yeah. Stupid.

I’ve had a pretty shitty few days. And the only plus side is my tax refund is due to come in next week. I’m getting two grand back. I can pay the stupid ticket, the stupid safe driver class, get new tires and brakes, pay down some of on my credit cards, and still have money to tie me over until the unemployment gets off hold. It’s a lifesaver. Otherwise I’d be majorly fucked.

I need to push hard to get a real job. The pet store is hiring for a small animal tech, and I like the small animals. The rats, mice, ferrets, bunnies, etc. I should try to go in today maybe and hand in an application. I don’t really have the extra time though. I plan to spend most of the day trying to get through my algebra work.

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February 1, 2011

RYN: LOL c’mon it’s not bad couple hours of Xena isn’t bad at all…