Only 4 days until my children’s summer vacation is over… Yessssssssssss!
I think i’ve been looking forward to this since school finished in May… It has been such a long long time. Now i’m in the home stretch I’m suddenly enthusiastic about getting school uniforms, school supplies, labelling everything, packing backpacks and you’ve best believe that on Monday morning i’ll be pushing them out of the slowly moving vehicle and waving a hurried goodbye before I burn rubber out of that parking lot.
I love my children… I just think that summer vacation over here is EXCESSIVELY long. I’d happily go back to the simple 6 weeks they get in Australia. That’s plenty of time to be surrounded by your offspring on a 24/7 basis.
I’m sure some people would disagree with me but they DO arrive at a stage where the appeal of playing outside wanes and entertainment (usually costly) MUST be provided on an ongoing basis. I mean, my girls HAVE been good about not pestering (too much) but they’re still disappointed that they didn’t get to go to the water park and here there and everywhere.
I’ve started to get extremely anxious about Nursing. I’ve now not worked a shift for 18 months and I almost feel like I have lost my ability to go back. By the time everything is sorted here (with my work permits and nursing accreditation etc) I’m almost certain i’ll be so out-of-the-loop that I won’t know anything. I’m really itching to go home and just work and were it not for the issues, I probably would.
I’m missing birthdays, engagements, weddings and it’s just not fair. The more that people ask me where "we" (meaning Jimmy) wants to retire, the more I want to just scream "AUSTRALIA." It has nothing to do with not liking it here and not loving Colorado, but it really is tough to compare anything to home. I know Jimmy wants to settle either here or further South (New Mexico) and I’d be cool with that because land and houses are well priced and work is available. I just want to eventually head back to the land down under. At least I think I do… People who have moved across the world tell me that even though you pine for home, you also miss your adopted place too. Grrrrr. Damn life complications.
…but that doesn’t mean that I’m completely miserable because I’m not. I’m finally meeting people here and they’re all really nice. I like living here too. There are aspects that bug me but if I raise them here I’d start a war soooooo yanno, best to let sleeping dogs lie I think. There’s still a lot of exploring I want to do over here and I expect i’ll get the chance to do that as time goes by.
I could simply be ready for a visit. *sigh*
Complicated feelings… pffft.
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I know exactly how you feel about moving back to Oz one day.
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http://www.opendiary.com/entrylist.asp?authorcode=D794987 🙂 i have a real life friend who does it too. i want to go see sometime as soon as i can. i think she has a local one in october. her ass has its own FB page LOL
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We’re going to retire in Aus. I miss it so very much.
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oh! sorry about that. i didn’t realize she was.
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Summer breaks vary so much. When my kids were in year round school, they got a week. lol… now they get more, but that was crazy for the poor things. It sucks that you are missing so much from where you used to live. That would be rough for anyone. I hope you can find that balance and visit lots and lots!
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ryn: Yeah, it’s nice here but it’s just not the same. Next time I make the cupcakes I’ll try them with the ACV instead. Thanks for the tip. 🙂
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Hey Vee, once you’re settled into a nursing job, and time (or money) isn’t an issue, you could/should pop back to Aus as many times as possible, with or without the family! That way you’ll get the best of both worlds! Maybe you should plan it so you get a constant Summer…. 😉
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I know what you mean. I’m moving to England for an indefinite amount of time, and there is an element of dread because Australia is Australia. Nothing compares to it, no matter how lovely a place you live in.
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There is a flight position over in Perth that Andrew is hoping to get. He doesn’t want to necessarily move back to Australia permanently, but there are definite things that he misses. For example, two weeks ago we scoured recipes looking for a good mince pie recipe and went to the grocery store at 10pm to get the ingredients and make them.You’ll do absolutely fine with nursing. Don’t doubt yourself.
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hehe I bet the girls aren’t as excited as you about going back to school! xxx
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I imagine u would come home, spend a week with your mum and then be ready to go back. A week with Antibes mum is enough to wanna be far far away
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but, but, but buuuuut you have to come back here. *tear*
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ryn: I’m hardly writing regularly :p I often run out of things to say once I’ve read everyone!!!! I’m still a bit of a stalker/not noter..whoops. It’s hard/weird to come back and write after so long tho!
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