Maps and Music
I’m feeling a little better today. I even slept through the entire night and didn’t wake up until 08:30! I haven’t done that in years! I think my subconscious knew that not having to worry about that house any longer was good for me.
One of the reasons that I decided not to run for office is because the City Administrator is the one that bought the house and I don’t want to be in a position to work with him. From what I hear, he is difficult to work with anyway.
Devorah had another garage sale this weekend. She did very well with the first one and several of us still had things to bring her. I went through some more of my jewelry and ended up with quite a lot of it to take to her as well as some seasonal decor, an almost new pair of men’s coveralls, a vintage fur cape, and miscellaneous this and that.
I’m still going through what was left in my parents house. This time I found a huge 1885 Atlas of the county I live in. Besides a map of each township, it also has the names of everyone living in the county. We have a similar resource now called the Rural Directory. It’s about the size of a small magazine. The one from 1885 is in a huge document book like the courts use. And even better, I found piano music stuck inside it. A couple of them had my aunt Emma’s name on them and one had my paternal grandmother’s name on it. She died before I was born. My great great grandfather was a circuit minister and founded the church in a small town north of us. Every generation from the founding over a hundred years ago has been a musician for the church. I was the last one before it closed. I am so thankful to have something of hers. With that being said, I think I will go see if I can play it.
Wish I could hear you play!
@startingover_1 Yea! I was able to answer you note this time. Noooo, until I learn a song, you really don’t wantto be anywhere near! Don makes me plug in the earphones when I’m learning a new song. 🙂
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