little tubby tubby *pictures*
IT is so amazing how fast everything in my life has flipped. I really don’t feel like I am that different, but in reality I am not even close to the person I used to be.
With full time school, full time work, and full time baby, I NEVER have time to do anything.
I finish school in about a month. Then, who knows if I’ll actually get a job. I applied for a receptionist position, but since I have no experience in the field, I’m sure I won’t even get an interview. Not really a surprise though. Right now, I’m kinda happy just to have a job. I know there is nothing available and people who want to work that can’t find it (my mom, namely) But I think I’m ready to kill myself if I have to go back to my current job one more day. It is so monotonous I can’t even stand it!!!!!!!! Plus my boss is a psychotic bitch, my coworkers suck (except a small handful) and after taking care of a baby all day I don’t want to go and take care of adults for the rest of the day.
blah, new topic.
Joe’s band has been playing a show at least twice a month. Last week we went to Iowa, got hammered, and rocked out to 3 awesome bands!!! If you’re from MN you should look up Screaming Mechanical Brain (formerly Screaming Monkey Boner)!!!!! I had never heard them before but Joe said they are really good, and THEY ARE. The music is electro metalish… not really sure of the genre, but I know they kick major ass. Joe’s band is getting much better, and when all of them have a little booze in them their stage presence multiplies. *plus when I have a LOT of booze in me, I dance around like a maniac and make myself look like a fool!–but we were in Iowa and I didn’t give a shit who saw me and knew I wouldn’t see them again*
Tonight they have a show at the Rock in Maplewood. Last time they played there was the best show I have ever seen them play. This weekend is Live Loud and Local music fest, with 40 local bands playing. Should be a pretty bitchin’ time. Lot’s of ETE fans are planning on going.
Mr. baby is growing like a frickin’ weed!!! He’s only 3 months old and I swear he’s gonna walk and talk any day now. We have his 4 month shots next week, so I’ll get to be amazed at how frickin’ giant he is! (he’s only in 3-6 month clothes, so he can’t really be that abnormal) For a while I swear he was going to eat us out of house and home, but his growth spurt slowed down. He talks regularly now, laughs at random things, nearly sits up on his own, holds his own bottle, and likes to suck on EVERYTHING! His shirts are always soaked, and now he has taken to sucking his blankets too. We’ve been out walking so mommy can not be a giant cow for the rest of his life.
*yesterday at work Hibo and I took the ladies out for a walk and decided to venture up this HUGORMOUS!!! hill. I was ready to have a heart attack once we got to the top, and Hibo said she didn’t even really break a sweat (cuz she’s 140 lbs and has been going to boot camp classes for the last week…) and when we got back my face was as red as my hair!!!!*
Baby likes to suck on apples. We’ve been giving him tastes of food, which is probably not recommended, but he’s my kid and I’ll do what I want.When he turns out to weigh 500 lbs or is allergic to everthing, then I will be deemed the worst mother on the planet and the system can take my kids away,,, until then, *I DO WHAT I WANT*…. south park reference for the day.
not much else in the works. having a ladies night in two weeks, joes birthday is in 3 weeks.
______________ST. pattys day: was a good ol’ drunk fest. got slapped in the face on purpose (i guess…don’t really remember) lexa didn’t show up, as was expected. called her voicemail and left a nasty message (apparently) and now she has her feelings hurt (from what amy tells me she told her….drama circle of friends) *circle jerk popped into my mind* drank a PITCHER of margaritas, wobbled home with lexy (not the same as lexa-two different people) woke joe up at 4 am even though i told him i wouldnt. barfed my brains out (including all over my bathroom rug–somehow?) and still felt WASTED at work the next day. (Hibo thought I was hilarious and told me to come in hungover all the time—since she’s somalian and doesnt generally see people drunk) good think i have stored up breast milk, otherwise baby would have had some margaritas too…. my sister told me that if youre sober enough to drive (like 2 drinks) then your breast milk is ok, over that you should NOT feed them. I was about 40 times over that! i no longer have the tolerance i once did, which is either good or bad depending on how you look at it.___________________________
and now for some pictures:
my little handsome man!!!!
he loves playing in his little "car" some days he falls asleep in the damn thing!
the mirror is his friend, and so is the stack of blocks. he loves to look at himself sucking on the blocks.
me and my baby boy
*me phil and lindsey* joe’s brother and his girlfriend. from the show last week in iowa