Right! Papayas!
In all of the excitement, I forgot to mention my latest allergy discovery.
Bryan came home from the store the other day, loaded up with a whole bunch of goodies, especially many new dried fruits. MUNCHMUNCHMUNCH goes Addie, swallowing large chunks of sugary goodness by the handful. Then they sit down to watch Star Trek, and about fifteen minutes later Addie goes ITCH! ITCH! ITCHOHGODMAKEITSTOPITCH! I was literally writhing on the ground, whimpering with the overwhelmingness of it. Bryan to the rescue! Bryan gives Addie a pill, and it makes the itch go away. Yay Bryan!
Let me now say that my thought process goes something along the lines of this:
(Thank you, xkcd, for making my life nerdier)
Yes, Ladies and Gentleman, I am a scientist. The very next day, I had a list of probable suspects in my hand arranged in order of itchy likelihood. I couldn’t actually ever recall having eaten a papaya before, so that was at the top. Lo and behold! Fifteen minutes after consuming more dried papaya, I was wracked with almighty itch that seemed to emanate from the inside out. I sat on my hands, I rocked back and forth with a manic gleam in my eye. I waited oh-so-patiently for the dear, dear drugs to work their dear, dear magic.
And now I know. Don’t eat papayas.
I LOVE xkcd!! I LOVES IT LOTS! 🙂 I don’t believe I’ve ever eaten a papaya before? lol, it’s kind of a rare thing for me to try different fruits. Though I have a odd allergy to Cinnamon. 🙁 Which makes everyone really unhappy because everyone seems to love it, lol. ryn: Yeah, me around kitty’s http://xkcd.com/231/
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RYN: thank u 4 ur notes. we actually have discussed it. his response was basically, he doesnt know if his financial situation will get better and his family commitments arent going anywhere, and i should think about whether i can accept that or not. but i mean, he’s still young and at the beginning of his career. but he still insists that it might never change, emergencies can happen, family, etc
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I have full faith that he will be in a better situation in the future just because career wise he will obviously grow and can find better opportunities. The parents thing is the really challenging bit tho… hes fully aware that they will initially say no (and might say no forever? i hope not).
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lucky for you… papays are not that tasty 🙂 im my opinion anyway.
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RYN: I do not mind arkham horror, i like elder sign much better (a lot easier to clean up) I just got cthulhued out on saturday. 🙂 Chris
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ryn: I’d like to think if I lived in any other state other than Cali, people would have done the same as me. We call it the “california syndrom” (or big city syndrom). People here don’t trust one another. No one makes eye contact on the streets, no one really says hello to you. Neighbors and stuff just ignore each other. I lived in Oregon for a few years, and the people there at thevery least would nod a hello to you if you pass them on the street. I knew all my neighbors, they’d sometimes invite me to dinner at their place. It’s totally different to the jump of non-personable people here. So the people not helping didn’t really surprise me too much. LOL, most people believe it to be a tragedy that I can’t eat cinnamon. It’s so weird, I can smell it in things. Thankfully it’s a strong smell. But most people are so use to it, that they can’t pick it out. “Here Bree eat these cookies, they’re soooooo good” “Can’t they have cinnamon” “How do you know?!” “I can smell it from here-check the ingredients on the package” “Wow, it does! That’s amazing!” “yes, my super power is that I can smell cinnamon” lol
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