Two in a month



Well married life is awesome , very little has changed , and  apart from the wedding photos and the memory , it doesn’t feel like we are married , kind of like we just had a big party .. and thats what it was .. A party with friends and family full of love and laughter. 

Subtle changes in the tone in TOH’s voice when he says " I love you" or " come here sexy" .. we still hug , hold hands and kiss daily.  and it does not feel like a life sentence. I think being best friends for 9 years made the difference to this marriage over our previous. 

Anyway lots of things have happened .. 

Allycat flew to the UK for her 2 yr OE, with working visa and no return ticket. she left 2 weeks ago. 

Dino has just resigned from his job of 6 yrs , signed a contract with a new firm and starts in a week.

Sparky seems to have got his meds sorted and the antibiotics have killed the bug in his toe so he may keep it, also making murmers about going back to Tech. 

S resigned from his part time job at Lollipops  after 4 years and is now a builders labourer / Hammer hand and loving it. also works weekends in a Coffee Cart out at Karipiro


Maxi is about to leave home at the ripe old age of 17 to do a trial on a goat farm in Walton( back of Matamata/ Morrinsville ) way. we went for a job interview Thursday , he got a call Friday leaves Sunday starts Monday, they have been working hard for a year or so , then a worker left and they are all doing double shifts and are tired .. Maxi and the other farm hand ( their Daughter) will work the farm for a week while Mum and Dad have a break. 

Its just all go and no time to get anything done.. 

The weeds in the garden are calling and calling and I ignore them, the lawns although in patches are dead from lack of water , have great green paspalium areas up passed my ankles and look unkempt. and as my Husband has a grass allergy the outdoors is my area.. but I’ve asked him to come and give me a hand today as I can not do it all alone. 

TOH has suffered from hayfever since a child and has been getting steroid injections yearly since a teen, his daughter has also bad allergies and hayfever and was also on the track to having injections yearly as no over the counter meds seem to help, I was not happy about that and neither was TOH so we looked into Alternative solutions .. I heard about an ear piercing done by an acupunturist , and they both went off and had it done .. Ednas so bad she has both ears done and TOH just the one , but now uses his inhaler maybe 4 times a week instead of 4 times a day .. Edna can now breathe and her eyes do not scratch or water , she sneezes very little. We swear by it. 

I better get the weeds started before the sun comes up. 

and Allycat wants to skype after her dinner with friends .. So much more to that story but it will have to wait .. 

Take care 





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February 10, 2013

good to know the romance didn’t die with the marriage vows. Stay happy…hugs p

February 10, 2013
