20 th ..



I have started waking with a sick feeling , I suffer from nervous heaving, generally Christmas day is the worst as I have everyone coming for breakfast and I get nervous about the house being tidy , did I have everything I need , the fact I had a late night Christmas eve does not help and we are usually up at 5am. .

Also before I travel .. am I packed for every possible situation. 

But this nervous tummy and the associated heaving is a month early.. and been 3 days now. will it be like this every day until the wedding. I hope not . 

well I just get up , read the plans , they are fine and in order, get on with the day .. I think I’ll be getting some rescue remedy , or a hip flask of something stronger.


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November 20, 2012

just go with it….ask yourself whats the worst that can happen and trust you will find a way to deal with it. But I am sure it will all be ok…especially the wedding. hang in there, hugs p

November 21, 2012

Oh, I hope it improves…try some relaxation exercises, visualisations and deep calm breathing. Imagine the day going off perfectly. Best of luck.

November 22, 2012

Wedding could very stressful … hopefully it will better with ur remedies

November 25, 2012

I’m thinking you’ll be fine, that you’ll enjoy a beautiful wedding day, even though there will be some unavoidable stress. RYN yes next time you come over there it will be more comfortable for you 2!