oh my hat!!!


All is going along swimingly.. plans for the Dec 2012 nuptials are underway.

List upon list and budgeting to the cent.

Guests colour coded

Sadly my dress plans foiled by cost.. seamstress came last night with sketches and estimates.. its about $1200 over my budget.

It would all be good and I would get it no matter the cost , but it is just a dress and I’d prefer to wear jeans and a tee if it meant i could party more with friends in the place and style I wanted and also go on the killer honeymoon with my new husband and family and friends. ( yes I am taking friends .. they are coming all the way from the States.. I am not about to say hey thanks for coming see you online sometime) we will have a few days for our selves .. and we have the rest of our lives. right ???

TOH is taking all the planning in his stride , saving like mad and coming up with his own versions of how things will run .. we nut them out and then come to a compromise.. I like it.

We are both a little on edge at present as we have started the after holiday detox. .. nothing drastic or stupid .. but after a month of drinking practically every day with friends and eating what we wanted , boxes of Chocs and fruit mince pies .. the downward spiral of soberness hits home after day 4 and I just want to smack him up side the head.. It will pass I know .

the latest silly snub is attributed to a facebook statement.. Both TOH and I have 16yr olds .. Maxi and Edna ( mine and his respectively)  They have just recieved their NCEA ( school certificate qualifications)  results online and are celebrating that they have passed, or collected enough credits to gain their level 1’s.

TOH has always paid his sons in sport for goals they acheived $1 a goal and as both of them played well that sometimes added up to $10 a week during soccer season. Daughter however was not in a team and so gained none of that .. so the deal was made that she would get $1 per credit earned.

Maxi , however came home and told me about friends paid to reach good grades, S also had friends told that a car would be given if Levels were reached .. I was not about to enter into that .. I pay pocketmoney for chores done .. or just slip a $20 here and there if I can, pay for movies , drive them places .. all is even and sorted out. My boys are not into Money as a tool. and definately not getting into money for bribery.

I wrote the status on Facebook that the results were in and well done to Maxi for getting Level 1 and some level 2 credits  125 all up. .. and said how pleased I was that they were acheived for himself not due to bribes…

Then I get a private message from TOH .."Nice, cheap shot"

oh for the love of Pete.. now I have stepped on his toes. 

I know that tone.. buggar him. 

Maybe I am a little miffed he paid his Daughter for her credits .. but thats their deal . I also may be jealous that I am unable to do the same ,maxi understands that I could not and I have not for anyone else so why change the rules now.  I feel bad that Maxi had to watch her get $137 and he worked as hard and got squat.. so i told him and the world that I was proud.  

Its like paying kids to eat broccoli.. breath .. or pee in the toilet .. its something the need to do to get on in the world .. if they choose to work hard so be it .. but money should not be the goal.

TOH constantly compares his daughter to his Ex wife .. money hungry, selfish and only ever thinks about herself and what she can get out of a situation .. i do not see that paying her for grades is helping that situation .. Edna will come and stay with us when it suits her and then has her hand out the minute she walks in the door , crying that Mum has no money , that she needs this and needs that and that the boys got this and that when they were here last week etc .. she chooses to stay home or go to a mates house or babysit her baby sister , while Mum works. I say that nulifies her rights.. if I took Maxi to McD’s cos he choose to come shopping with me , then S knows he missed out.. end of!!!  there are swings and round abouts in life the sooner we learn it the better off we are.


Ohhh I must have needed a rant .. opps





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January 12, 2012

I completely agree with you and it shows that because you do that the kids have more respect for you, TOH daughter doesn’t. My 2cents on it all is that in a way TOH has lost his connection with his daughter and may never get it back as money is her bargaining tool to their relationship. Well done you for be a top Mum

January 12, 2012

I saw your comments on FB about the NCEA results…. good to hear your kids did ok. And the wedding plans sounda lot of work but great fun. Fancy having friends coming from USA…wow! I’ve been meaning to ask you: The name Bray…..I have recently discovered distant rellies in Aussie with that surname (Qsld and SA )…..do you have rellies over there? We could be long lost cuzzies or something….*smiles* hugs p

January 18, 2012

I don’t like in paying kids $ to do things either. Max does well in school and he is the one that should take the credit, not because u paying him to do great. If you reward him with $, you discredit his hard work…and that isn’t right. BTW…happy to hear that you are getting marry…:)

January 19, 2012

Great to hear about the wedding plans and the NCEA results.

February 1, 2012

Ah good about the wedding plans, and merging 2 different family value systems can’t be easy, but, good on you for the rant.