10 mins alone* edit


Work is full on and getting busier , wow ..

I now have a line of people wanting spaces that I do not have.

I have 3 children off to school this year , May , Oct and Nov. into those 3 spaces I have 4 children wanting to come , trouble is they are under 2 and I am only able / allowed to have 2 under 2 at any one time.

I am juggling and moving and trying my hardest .. but I will have to let someone down and that sucks .. plus .. the one I will let down will be the one with the least hours and that is the closest friend.

Oh well .. lets wait till May.

We had 2 quiet weekends after such a hectic run .. but in saying quiet .. they were still filled.

Weekend one : I stayed home while TOH took the boys to a Power boat race event and I weeded the garden and tidied up the back yard.

Weekend two: I visited friends had people over and generally cleaned up.

This Past weekend: Friday was a wedding of Allycats friends sister and I was invited to watch the children and bring them home so family could party on.. that was awesome..

Saturday: was a Big Youth Day .. free activities for all the children at a local park , jousting , rock climbing , fire fighter training , volley ball , soccer , water dunk, $10 paintball was the only thing that had a charge and TOH paid for the 3 boys Corb Aid and Maxi to go through.. they had a ball. .. there was a girlie tent where I made a bead anklet, and a spray on Tattoo tent where i had the map of NZ tattooed to my upper back .. temp only. but looked awesome. Tiring funfilled day.. ended at a friends having a few drinks and trying some new legal herb tabacco.. with strange results .. ending in TOH and I at home having a discussion about looking out for each other, and me being upset that he had not. what followed was 2 days silence. and strained , ego bruised conversations.

Lesson learned.

Sunday I moved Dino and Em to their new temp home. .. they move to a bigger place on the same property in 3 weeks .. and this weekend I move Allycat to my sisters.

Allycat is studying again this year .. a  Grad Dip in Event management ? she will not be working full time and can no longer afford to flat .. also her flatmate is off on a big year long OE in May , it made sense to get out now. Cos she can not come home .. lol she decided to move in with my sister who has just sent her daughter and partner to another town following work, she was suffering empty nest..

MONDAY … Valentines day ..  I was spoilt .. a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates.

TOH gave them to me ( i was going to say threw them at me but it was more of a "here .. Happy Valentines" ) a quick peck on the lips and he went to work ..

20 mins later a courier pulled up and made me sign for a card ..  ohhhhh I opened it , not recognising the writing , a lovely poem and not signed .. also it played a tune.. as soon as it played I knew who it was from ..  it was sent as not a joke , but just a .. umm "this is our song and I was thinking of you " card.. it made my day .. I had warm fuzzies and a huge smile.

Most years I have gone out and delivered cards at midnight to friends that I knew were on their own , little hand made ones with messages that let them know I was the sender and that I loved them for some small reason .. I did not like the idea of V day going passed and them not feeling loved.

This year I was way to busy , so it was nice to get that surprise for myself ..

anyway .. I was over my grump with TOH and my heart was filled with happiness , so I continued with my V day plans.

Steak , Salad and baked potatoes, with Cheesecake to follow.

A huge chalk heart on the drive way with , My lovers Park , written in it ..

Chalk hearts drawn on the carpet up the hall way with all the ways and things  I love / like about him, Laughter , hand holding, public kisses, fun ,  best Dad, hard working, slow kisses, jokes , honesty, and being a demon.. lol with them leading to our room and a Heart shape made of little choc hearts on the bed with his card in the middle .. Funnily enough I bought the card last week , wed I think , and it fitted the weekend situation perfectly.. On the front it says "  Sometimes I wonder why I put up with you" .. inside "Oh Yeah , Now I remember. YOU put up with ME" .. lol so a sort of sorry card as well .. he loved it.

The evening went well , the children went to bed , we had time alone .. we made up.

This weekend is busy , I have my thyroid support meeting Saturday morning , move Allycat in the afternoon and a party in the evening. with the invite to bring tents and stay , plus the international Tattoo show is on and our friends are all in the comps, judging Sunday I think , and the Band playing Sat night.. hmmm

Well my 10 mins is up ..

Take care


Just to make it clearer.. the card sent by courier was NOT from TOH.. A good friend.. could have been a more but never was,  sent it to me. Batman.. mentioned before in my diary took me for a ride on his Harley for my Birthday a few years ago, is a DJ by night ..lol if I text him in the weekend to invite him to things and he is working I always request the same song, and he plays it at what ever function he is at. Some times it kills the dance floor .. other times it fills it. .. but its OUR song.   By the Troggs.. " Wild Thing"   And I told Todd I had received it and who it was from. He was fine with it. ( I think)





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February 15, 2011

Phew speed diary writing …. You can get lots in 🙂

February 16, 2011

good childcare is so hard to find these days…my daughter always had a lengthening waiting list too. But bosy brings more money…right? The chalk heart on the driveway sounds soooo romantic… smiles and hugs P