It was an activity!!!


I made it to Lilyworld at the Big Day Out at the time to see " Arse Painting" and there was a band on stage ,

African type music , and members , ( not to be un PC but they were black as) the singer had the most amazing hair do , all plaited (braided) and twisted to form this amazing head piece on her head. I took pics on my phone as my camera had died last week .. I will have to see if they are postable.

I swayed to the hypnotic beats and wondered why they had called themselves Arse Painting ?? hmmm

Then they stopped , the crowd went wild and all these men came on stage in what I can only describe as Pajamas.. same pattern different colours.. and they cleared away the band and bought out an easel.. paints and suddenly a women strolled out onto the stage with a paper cup with paint brushes and a young lady followed her with a G string on and a half painted Butt.. ohhhh this is Arse painting ..

Then a group of 4 other young girls .. all about 20 something , size 8’s tanned and taught, strolled on sans pants and the Arse painting began..  the artists were the 50ish year old men..

I was astounded….  One man walking around the stage said .. I have a big project in my head I need a BIG canvas .. and he looked straight at ME !!! .. I looked back , did not change my gaze or my expression  ,  he continued to ask and stare at me  , so I slowly slipped behing a man that was next to me .. faking a better view.. OMG .. unless this artist was going to be painting a giant golfball , MY canvas was not going to be any good for him. .. sheesh, and standing next to those svelte beings on stage would have turned the whole thing in to a big disapointment for the crowd..

It did go through my mind .. I thought I could do this .. hell, I know no one .. But then the image of my fat white arse on stage , dimples and granny pants mooshed up the crack… ohhh "shakes head"

No way .. I’ll Let TOH paint me later I thought .

It was all in good fun and I think the canvases knew the artists.. or had been interviewed earlier , as they all seemed to have on the same little lacy G strings.

Anyway , no one that I had gone with was there so I had to text them all and tell them it was indeed an activity .. lol

funny as.

(TMI) The day was awesome .. crowds and crowds of people , but I was not at all overwhelmed by them .. the only time I wished there were less people was when in the line for the bathroom .. 25 mins minimum!!! honestly I was planning toilet stops and even then missed a few bands cos of the lines. Luckily I had on a Tena lady and was using my mooncup .. it seems to help with the pelvic floor muscle and bladder control.

It started to rain late in the afternoon .. the last 4 bands watched in rain and that made it cold and uncomfortable , we were all tired and had had enough by the time Tool finished their set , then it was a mass exit back to the car and no stopping .. everyone was due to meet at a particular spot determined as we walked in in the morning and that worked well , we all gathered and then walked back to the car together.

The kids loved their first BDO , I am so pleased .. Allycat and Sparky had friends that they were going to meet up with , but with text messageing taking 15 mins people moved by the time the message came through .. I think they saw them , but realised they were better off doing their own thing and just meeting back with everyone at the end ..

I’ll get some pics up soon of the whole weekend .. those on Facebook will see Allycat has posted pics of me in her album of the Big Weekend Out.. lol

The K party was a riot .. lots of laughs and good food and friends , the rain was also a pain at that event , but we lived through it..

We made it to the Otara Markets .. but only just .. and lots of places were closing up.. Managed to buy Dino swim shorts, Allycat a top, myself a top and sparky jeans .. TOH was the only one who did not come .. he slept .. we had a ball.

Home after the markets for a swim in the hotel pool.. while it was not raining then dressed and sneak through the hole in the fence that Maxi and S found that led from the Hotel to my nieces.. although we did have to walk along a strip of driveway of the apartments behind us and the occupants were not at all pleased and said we were not to do that as it was private property , we appologised and played dumb .. ohh really sorry .. and then after they had gone to bed at the end of the night , partys end we sneaked oh so quietly back..

Sunday pack up and off to the Auckland Museum for the Outrageous Fortune Exhibition.. ( NZders will understand the hugeness of this lol) .. Ohhh 3 hours in the museum , 1.5 in OF .. 1.5 through the rest .. quickly as it bored the children.. I want to go back with TOH’s boys and wander about at leisure.. parts I have seen before and they are only so many museums with the same stuff you can handle I know , and the children will come back as adults and appreciate it way more then.. I know I do. .. I went with my parents and they ohhhed and ahhhed and I yawned and moaned .. lol

Honestly it was the best weekend we have had as a family in a while .. so much fun and laughter ..

I’ll check out pics and hope to post them soon



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January 24, 2011

The trouble would have been sitting dawn, in other words not until the paint driesÂ…

January 24, 2011

Lol, that was hilarious!

January 25, 2011

what fun….and what a pity you weren’t brave enough to be his canvas ( mind you, I wouldn’t have either)….it might have made you really famous. LOL Glad it all went well. Helped heaps I am sure that the weather was cooler than usual….no serious heat stroke victims this year. hugs P

January 30, 2011
