Naked Day


It may come as a surprise to some that I enjoy the naturalist side of life.. any oppotunity I can get I would rather have clothes off than on. ( well in summer anyway .. winter is ok indoors after a bath with the heater on )

It started out as a way to rid the children of the house .. lol that sounds mean .. but if I had sorted care for the younger ones and then the older ones plans all fell apart because this friend was not talking to that friend and this friend was grounded and so that friends mother said this friend .. blah blah over it .. I wanted a saturday afternoon to my self so I told them I was having naked day .. they scarpered fairly quickly and I was able to bathe.. listen to MY music .. drink a glass of wine .. talk on the phone .. anything I wanted in my house by myself ..

So they became coined as naked days .. then the older ones wised up that maybe I was not naked .. so they didn’t want to be fobbed off to a mates .. and would stay in their room .. so I really did have naked day , and they were horrified  and now they ALL stay away .. and I love it.

All I want is the odd day one weekend .. an afternoon .. maybe an evening once a month if I am lucky..

This month it is a Wed afternoon and I didn’t even have to plan it.. it just happened .. so if the big kids pop round for a chat .. Opps

Off to paddle in my pool and catch up on the news paper and a wine ..


Bye for now.xox

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random noter: naked day! haha i love the idea!

December 28, 2010

good for you….great idea…lol I love sleeping that way and would happily wander around the house naked, if I didn’t also enjoy windows and doors wide open for fresh air….anyone might call by…lol It is a great way to get a day to oneself though…. hugs P

December 29, 2010

This is a terrific idea. I love being naked and never thought about using it to chase away the busy bodies! So the next time I post an article it may contain the news of ‘naked man’ being arrested in local grocery store-wait, maybe I should reread your post and see if you do it in public!!! be well; peace…dan and Polly-I’ll be keeping an eye out for your next pics!!! hahahahaha

December 29, 2010

Rolling on the floor laughing! This is so funny and a FANTASTIC idea…I may have to try it once my kids are a little older. Happy naked day.

January 2, 2011

Love it! We’re on the same (naked) page here!