6am and up


Its Saturday morning , I have no work , mega plans and I can not sleep.

I went to bed last night about 8.30 with a headache and hay fever..

I can only assume it was Hayfever as i have never been a sufferer.

My eyes stung , my nose and sinus’s tingled,

I felt like shite!!!

I was home alone , Maxi was at youth group , getting a ride home at 10pm , S was at a mates and staying the night , TOH was with his kids , dinner and sports due home about 9.

I woke at 6 this morning and that was me .. mind ticking over and tossing and turning .. I let TOH sleep and came out to the office.

I have done all the emails and facebook stuff.. paid for auctions won on Trademe (NZ version of EBay) now the house is moving .. Maxi is up .. I’m not sure if he knows I am as I have not seen him yet , but I hear him getting breakfast and singing to himself .. lol cute.

I have enjoyed the quiet, it is a rareity here.

Comedy night this passed Thursday was only ok as it was overshadowed by my anger at the people beside me constantly chatting through the comedians set.. I missed all his one liners and was frustrated as heck , I turned and gave them the EYE!!! .. nothing

I waited a few more minutes and I turned and faced them and said politely , please be quiet , I can not hear him .. and you know what she said to me .. thats not a bad thing ..

So his comedy was not her cup of tea .. I would have liked the opportunity to have formed my own opinion..

My Brother in law said I’ll give them a blast in a minute and he did ,, and they mouthed off at him also..

so we both turned to them and said for F**K sake SHUT UP .. at this stage the comedian had stopped .. the room was silent , . lol

and then he said I have 30 seconds left .. I said well I can’t hear you cos these rude people wont shut up .. so he stood silent .. then said .. Thank you and good night .. to which the table next to us applauded.

I was furious!!

The next act was awesome .. but I was still on edge and did not calm down enough to enjoy it as much. They had placed their biggest friend beside me as a body guard I guess in case I got lippy again .. it was rather a stupid intimidation move as I would have stood up to him aswell if they had chatted again .. and in fact I would have had the backing of the management and had them removed.

Rude Rude people.

And speaking of

The man next door is back to old tricks and growling at the kids and threatening them with the police.

For 1: riding their bikes on the road

2: playing ball in the street

3: making a noise during the day

4: for generally being boys (aged 8- 15)

The parents of the boys around the corner that my boys and TOH’s hang out with are fed up with him too .. we have banded together and talked to the kids , been over to the old guys house , been abused by him, told him if he has issue with the children to come and see us as parents .. and still he carries on with his idel threats.

the boys want to get back at him , spray his prized lawn and garden with weed spray , etc .. and have been told that is not a good idea , who is first in line for the blame ?? lol but it is something we have all thought. and we agree something has to happen.

His latest threat was that he had the backing of the whole neighbour hood.. so I went to my immediate neighbours and asked if they had issue with the children , that we were having problems and that as parents we wanted to keep any annoyance to a minimum.. NO ONE I spoke to had issues and said if they did they would come to us . They all said the boys just played . and if any went on the gardens or balls went into back yards etc that they generally were gentle and not disrepectful when spoken to. ..

I do not understand his problem .. we have taught the children to respect elders , but with this old guy respect has not been earned. .. He sits on his driveway and yells obscenities , tells the boys they are Gay , Wankers, Useless ball players , Fat.. and even had a go at TOH when he went to speak to him .. he stood in his front door and lipped off at TOH , then went inside , shut and locked  the screen door and said you Fat slob why don’t you get a job..   of course that went down like a cup of cold sick.

He made assumptions that TOH did no work..  ( in light of all the things I have said about the job situation at least I know he does have a strong work ethic , he works online doing data entry , and works way longer hours self disiplined than I would ever do, but works the hours that suit him) That made TOH mad.. and he is now gunning for revenge (in words only)  We can not wait for the police to be called, if he does so we can give our side.

On other news TOH is all booked for training on Monday in Auckland .. 4 days , I have gym plans and dinner with Wellington who is up again .. am spoilt to be seeing so much of him just lately, and a sewing project I must get underway for the garden.. will share pics when done. 

Anyway .. I have a meeting to facillitate this morning .. Thyroid Support so I better away and get sorted for that , then its a 2 party night .. and I already don’t feel like either of them.

Have a happy weekend




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Give me that old mans number…Ill call him..no I am not kidding. LOL! ~panzer

November 12, 2010
November 13, 2010
November 13, 2010

hayfever and rude people are enough to drive anyone crazy! big hugs to you…P

Lucky Wellington – seeing you again so soon. Enjoy dinner.