He got a job .. or not


ok so lots happening ..

Wellington came up for a conference and I did manage to catch up with him for a drink .. TOH and I both went. TOH had just been called about a job so was keen to celebrate.. We collected Wellington from his motel after the end of Outrageous Fortune( so I managed both) and stopped into a little bar called The Helm. .. we usually go there Sunday nights for their special $5 Pizza night. Its a cheap dinner out with the kids.

It was lovely seeing Wellington again although we didn’t get to talk much as we usually do .. I guess having another person there was odd as we usually just sit and talk all night…  lucky TOH and Wellington get on well , and so conversation flowed about all sorts.

Dropped Wellington back to his motel , grabbed a hug and kiss and went home to bed , way passed my bedtime on a school night.

The job TOH was offered was made up and appointed by a friend of mine who knows how hard I have struggled to keep our head above water.. the job was real but was being done by a person already employed and although a stretch was working .. head office was asked and they agreed to open the position for a 3 month period maybe 4 to another  to tide them over until the position can be automated.

I felt that my friend had a huge hand in this and so appreciated him looking out for me and helping TOH out.. they held the interview and did the medical and all is well he starts on 15th Nov. ( TOh said .. this company has 16 other companies attached , there is huge scope for me to move once i am in and I couold move within the companies)

TOH a few weeks ago had another interview with a company for an 18 week position finding jobs for people who have been un employed for longer than 3 months .. TOHs job there would be to find them positions .. they have a list of companies willing to employ and TOH would match unemployed with the jobs. .. he was short listed and they are still tossing up who they want and have postponed twice now making the choice. .. (TOH said I have always wanted to work in this field as an employment officer, it is a longer time frame and if I employ someone I get a bonus 1/2 paid now .. half paid if they are still employed in 6 months)

Then last night he came home from his mothers and said Ohh I have an interview with this guy selling parts and booking cars in for fixing and working in the parts trade etc .. he went for the interview and came home excited , he doesn’t know if the guy will employ him but says he has all the skills and more that the guys looking for and the guy knows he has a job to go to Monday.. that job used as a threat of .. I’m not availabale if you don’t take me on now .. . ( TOH said I have always wanted to work in this field , Parts and cars is what I am into )

He is a trade cert mechanic, hates to fix cars , hates to get his hands dirty , gets a sore back if he has to lean over bonnets , thats why he left the trade and also technology has moved on and he is lost under the bonnet now ..

I shake my head , shrug my shoulders , arms in the air .. I give up.

What the bloody hell do you want .. ?

I feel that if he gets another position other than the one my friend sorted .. I will be so mad .. not only letting my friend down ..but also being fickle and ungrateful. . he raves on about unemployed bums being lazy and not accepting jobs , and yet here he is picking and choosing.

who knows.

and every job that he goes for he says is something that he has always wanted to do ..

jobs he wont go for don’t pay enough , are short contract , are dirty , are mechanic based , hell a job is a job , to have some money coming in ..

I told him straight last week that I was struggling .. I can not sit back and watch you turn another job down because the hours do not suit you having the kids and getting them to school etc .. you need to be working and helping me with the bills .. pretty soon the phone is going to be cut off and there will be no internet for you to work on ..

That was a shock to him and he fronted up with money he had stashed for Christmas presents for his kids .. I was able to starve off the phone company with that for a while but they will be back.

dislike struggling with money issues ..




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November 8, 2010

It’s not easy when 2 people have different values (same here I might say), but I sure hope you don’t have to struggle too much longer. Sending love and hugs xx

November 8, 2010

I think you know the answer here xx

November 8, 2010

not easy is it, but all sounds like the light at end of tunnel – one way or the other there is a job…. but it does seem as if he is being rather ungrateful of that opportunity. Hang in there…fingers crossed…. hugs p

November 8, 2010

I hope he takes one of those jobs. All the best.