Is there a Mole amongst us** Edit


.One would think  so..

Oh how things have changed here on the home front ..

So much being done ,

So helpful.

I thanked him as I always do , if it was a job I was about to do and I caught him doing it ( you know what I mean) he said I like to help , I like to do my bit.

I have not spoken but two words about the subject.. and yet it is all going well.

I did go on strike and not do the chores.

I worked a full on day , cleaned and washed and put away and then sat on the couch with the paper and my feet up.

Suddenly dinner was on a plate on my knee. 

I worked a full day , cleaned up , shopped and surprised him with a birthday party of special friends..

Washing was done hung and folded..

The dishes are getting done the washing is done , dinner is started , messes disappear.

We sat on the couch the other night , I told him how much I appreciate the help he is giving me , I said i was feeling rather tired of doing everything and that I had thought we might have to have a sit down and chat about chore sharing, Its so nice to see you doing it of your own accord.. Thank you so much.

He never said a word …

Oh well..

He seems less depressed, Maybe it is because he has had his birthday and he got what he wanted.. plus a small gathering of friends as a surprise. . Maybe he has seen the lengths I go to..

I like the way things are going and will be keeping an eye on them .

Chore sharing makes my life way less hectic. !!!


PS: I doubt he has been here and read, as I have never told him of the name or site , I have barely told him of my Online diary.  He would have no idea where to start.


Sparky has been over helping me in the garden for the past week. Monday, Tuesdayand came back Friday. We went to the plant shop grabbed a few trees and specials and he has planted them this morning , he stayed over , I woke this morning , snuck a cuddle and said I was getting up to help Sparky in the garden .. TOH said … ohhh , *sigh* ..

I told him he didn’t need to get up straight away , but when he did could he please strip the bed.. he said Sweet , he just want a little lie in and then he planned on doing the washing and tidying up etc…

I was gobsmacked…

I stayed for 10 mins more .. (wink wink) and then went and weeded the gardens and moved the plants about with Sparky.

TOH has washed and hung the laundry , swept and cleaned the floors, cooked lunch for Sparky and I and is now doing dinner, he has planned our night of Movies and a few drinks too ..

I said wow , I am impressed thanks for lunch , this is awesome , and he said that due to his alergies he can’t help in the garden so this is something he can do .. hmmmm

Yep .. is a Happy house.. 🙂 



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September 30, 2010

maybe he got the vibe he might be out the door if things continued as they were

September 30, 2010

If he can see your history on the computer, he could find it. My brother did once when I checked my diary on his computer, eek. Just sayin 😉 I’m really glad he’s making your life less stressful, that makes me happy!

September 30, 2010

A nice result!

October 1, 2010

maybe one of his ‘mates’ had similar issues and has advised him. but Honey – don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Just be thankful things have improved… you are a lucky one. hugs P

October 1, 2010
October 2, 2010

wonderful..and long may it last

October 3, 2010

Blokes aren’t so bad after all. We do get there in the end, but please don’t think we can multi-task like you guys, our minds work slightly differently…. Lovely to read this entry, good on you for fostering changes without having a huge meltdown xx