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Thank you all for the support and positive comments ..

A weight lifted ..

I made my resignation letter positive and followed resignation protocol ..

I wanted to say all sorts of things but I could not ..

this morning I was reminded again of why I do not want to work for this woman..

and I have decided that after I have served my time I will write her again and tell her why ..

She is not a people person , she is a Money hungry , money driven business woman. and in this particular industry you need to make trusting relationships, you need to be a relator to the parents and educators you have in your network. I get the make money ,save money ,not here to make friends, side of things and those businesses have their place, But our company slogan read  "" Where children come first"" 

This woman build a company based on the fact that there was no one to help her at home when she had a multiple birth and a toddler, she decided someone else could look after her children and she would pay them in home , Not a new idea ..

I just see a woman that didn’t want to look after her own children , so made a company to do so .. so she does not have the compassion for the snotty noses and dirty nappies( diapers) , sleep deprived parents, or sick educators.

Her Daddy has also given her everything she has ever wanted , she is a typical oldest child , Daddies princess. She has never done wrong in his eyes and when something does not go her way she spits the dummy, throws her toys from the cot and stamps her feet. .. more often than not Daddy makes it all better…or tells her how to. 

Last  week there was a court case over a $40 payment made to a former employee. $40 !!!  $40!!!  not exactly bank breaking .. and it was a rightful payment to the employee , but was paid out after the employee left so the secretary is for it too. .

Makes you shudder.

The whispers out the back .. the secret meetings with her sister who is regional manager.. the glances over her shoulder making sure no one hears .. its pathetic.

I feel sorry for the office staff..

Good luck and Goodbye.

I am off to bake Gingerbread.. (metorphorically)

so that all done and dusted , now to tackle TOH.

You can not change a man and his ways and damn it I think I am back where I started in my 17 year marriage.

But there is no daily fighting and the benefits agree with me. ( wink wink)

I must start the conversation about expectations and see how we go .. see if it when I say , can you please take on a chore , or help with a chore .. that I do not want to have to "nag" him every day or week to get it done. .. something neither he or I want.

and on the job front ..

I think his options and wants narrow the field of employment to a 10% strip in the market place ..

Must be flexible .. 3-4 days a week .. late start early finish and pay mega.. ohh a dream job. ( speaking of oldest children and parents running to their aide.. TOH is one and his mother is the worst also)

What have I done???

He wont help in the garden as he has allergies,  if he does the housework he needs to be home alone , he will not stay in the house if I am doing the housework as he does not like to watch, he is a centre of the floor vaccumer, under the couch is where no body sees..clothes are washed dried and folded inside out or how ever they come , if left to his own routines beds would be changed 3 monthly or on special occasions. (whichever comes first) Dog poo is collected before the lawn mower man comes .. (and this is after I asked for it to be done daily, twice i have asked for that, twice he has said OK ) his Idea of cleaning the bathroom is wiping his long hair out of the bath, swishing the brush about the toilet. no products , not the floor , not the vanity , not the outside of the bowl. If left to his own choices , one brush, one cloth .. for everything.. just wash it after ..  dogs were allowed to eat off the plates .. ( when I saw that I threw out the plate) That does not happen now.

Slowly I have " trained" him to think differently , and the reasons why . something that His mum should have done .. instead of making him go outside to play.. or just doing for him.

I am unhappy in this situation .. and I am scared of getting stuck.

He popped out the other day to get oranges from the tree .. he came back in with flowers from the garden , sweet as.

I went to the gym and then straight to Zumba .. I took Maxi with me S had noodles for dinner before his mates took him to the pool hall. I did nothing about dinner , no meat out nothing , I came home to Steak , chips and scrambled egg with veges .. OMG .. how cool.

He makes the bed everyday .. I get up first.

He will clear the dishes .. or do them after dinner if his kids are not here to do them..

He folds washing , (maybe 2 x a week)

Is this enough ?

am I asking too much ?

expecting too much ?

Oh I don’t know .. Let me have it .. I will take it on board , it will help.

I have to sort this out.


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September 21, 2010

It sounds like he is doing more to help, and these things take time, it’s a big adjustment for some men.

September 21, 2010

RYN: He was rather nice looking, rugged, with a beard….and any man reading a good book fascinates me anyway. But he only glanced over my way once, shortly afterwards 3 other people came back to his car…two women and a man…so I figured one was his partner. Pity….but thats the story of my life…lol hugs P

September 21, 2010

I think it’s a start with TOH, maybe things just need to be worked on slowly or maybe there’s a different approach that you haven’t tried yet…. don’t ask me what that would be sorry love wouldn’t have a clue. Maybe there’s a book out there that would offer a few suggestions

September 21, 2010

No, you’re not asking too much. If anything, he should be doing helluva lot more. If he’s not working, his job should be to clean up after your care kids, because that’s the income in the house! He should have his chores and he should do them without you asking, you have enough kids to teach, you shouldn’t have to teach him too! (Ok, so I’m having a few house cleaning dramas at the moment too…)

September 21, 2010

I think he needs to know exactly what you want, what your expectations are..and you need to know what he wants, what his expectations are. Then you see if there is room for negotiation and compromise. You need to know your bottom line and his. Do NOT compromise your bottom line…anything else is negotiable. Can you live with his bottom line? I strongly believe after my disasterous experience

September 21, 2010

that both parties expectations need to be examined and then you can decide if this is really what you want. It’s not a matter of what anyone else thinks is realistic…it’s whether you can make the compromises happily that the relationship demands (and all relationships demand some compromises – but it has to worth it for you).

September 21, 2010

All the best with this. Communication is the first step…he may just need to know how important this is for you.

September 22, 2010
September 22, 2010

My expectation a full time job or do all the chores around your home while you work your job. End of story It seems he has never grown up and I believe is taking advantage of your good nature and kindness xxx