Shower time..


I went up early to see Farmer .. I left the kids doing dinner and Allycat was here..

I took a basket of goodies , jelly and fruit cups , juice and flavour sachets , chocolates , cheese and cracker snacks, little pots of marmalade, little tubs of pringles, Tissues . 

He was not well when I got there , a little pain , and a fever ..

He got up to go to the toilet and when he came back he sat in the chair .. being upright helped and he was much brighter in a few minutes .. we laughed and joked with the man across the way .. ( who was booked in for the next day to have the same surgery  as Farmer.. so he will be less jovial in the days following)

The charge nurse came in and ordered the man in the corner to get up and walk down the hall .. she was firm and he was not happy .. but we could see it was for his own good that she was.. anyway to that end she steered him into the bathroom on the way back to give him a wash .. and although he protested she was having none of it.

Farmer quietly said that she had told him he could shower but that he had to have someone with him .. and that some one was NOT going to be her he said .. I laughingly said .. you want me to help you .. so that he could either laugh it off or accept .. and he jumped at the chance .. so when the nurse had finished with the other guy , he asked her if I could help him and she said yes I’ll give you the do’s and don’ts.. Follow me.

It was a sobering moment.. still attached to a heart monitor, that was not allowed to get wet.. unable to move his arms around his body freely or to bend.. I tried as much as possible to give him privacy.. and what he was most concerned about was his dignity.. and he felt safer with me in the bathroom than a stranger, It is a very strange feeling.. we , in the past , were lovers. and yet at this moment all I thought and saw was a man that needed my help.. a back to be washed and dried , pants that needed to be pulled up, like it was my job. and not a naked man.

He felt so much better in clean pajamas, washed and shaved.

His son visited for 15 mins, left him a book to read ..

He lay in bed pulling himself up into the most comfortable position, whincing with pain.. he looked at me and said , I Fkn hate this .. give me a bullet..  he was sad and sore and I felt so sorry for him .. I just wanted to hug him and say the right things .. I sat beside him , held his hand and just waited for the pain to go.. 

I left when he settled in for the night .. and the meds had kicked in ..


The next night after dinner , close to 8pm I rushed in to see him again .. he was a new person .. he was smiling , had colour in his cheeks, his drains and wires all gone, he was still attached to the heart monitor  and had a lure, but the fever was gone , the pain less. It was awesome to see him so back to his normal self. I had a very happy visit.

The charge nurse kicked us out of the room and sent us to the quiet room at the end of the ward , a TV room with lazy boy chairs and magazines.. we sat and chatted there for 30 mins , caught up on our days events , he took his meds , including a sleeping pill ( due to the snoorers in his room ) and within 10 mins he was woozy, I walked him back to his room and said good night .. just a quick visit tonight and I feel much better ..

Saturday I was able to text him , he had his phone on , as all the monitors are now out of his room.

He was expecting all the out of town friends to come visit.. he still sounds chirpy.

I will pop up today.. Fathers Day.

I have been fairly busy other than the hospital visits ..

Yesterday I went to help out the new parents , they have been having a few hicups.. baby is constantly on the breast.. 2 hourly feeding day and night , crying in between .. Oh I must suggest the cranial massage again.  Mum is worn out , she fed him , i bathed him , she topped him up I wrapped him put him to bed she skipped out the door to the mall, she was gone an hour and he woke twice, settling only when rocked. He woke as she was coming up the path home. and this time there was no settling.. she dropped her bags, put things away and sat and fed again .. always with the boob out .. she feels drained. I asked her if she was drinking heaps and she said yes , and yet for the hours that I was there I never saw her drink. (but I was not watching her always)

Her plan when I left was to go to bed .. with baby. in the King sized bed, then if he woke she was going to feed laying down and still be able to doze.. i remember doing that too .. shattered.

I almost want to fill him with a formula bottle at night so he will sleep a little longer with a full belly..  and give her a rest.

I cooked their dinner while I was there .. TOH helped Dad move a friend who had all their furniture stored in the garage. Maxi played Xbox.

Then we stopped at Dinos new house and watched a mini series he had taped off Tv a few months ago .. a feaky remake of Alice in Wonderland  , Called Alice.  totally bizzare. but lovely to spend time with him and Em.

Fathers day today and Allycat wants to take me out for Pizza to celebrate .. hahaha.. sweet as.

Am off to wake TOH with a coffee and breakfast , washing is done , just need to hang it.

Happy Fathers day to all the fathers here in NZ. ( and Oz?)




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September 4, 2010

aww your’e so kind KC, that shower definitely helped with Farmer’s recopvery…. so wishing you a happy Father’s day too, I just got a surprise call from the twins which made my day! Love ya!

September 4, 2010

Sounds like the patient is doing well with your TLC.

September 4, 2010

my sister use to ring my father for mothers day because he brought her up xx

September 5, 2010
September 5, 2010

You’re such a nurturer. It’s awesome. 🙂 Sounds like baby is hungry, is she producing enough? No shame in formula feeding, I should know!!

September 5, 2010

you are his angel at this time…and its wonderful you were able to help. Having a shower under such conditions is extra difficult and its good you appreciated the level of privacy and the loss of some of it with a clear understanding. Glad all is going well for Farmer……I appreciate how precious he is to you. hugs P