Some busy days


Record numbers of kids these holidays

along with my usual 4 , I have return care kids , and their sisters , plus a cousin.. Holy Carer Bat Man..

8 children.. luckily one is Maxi’s age and they hang out all day and do stuff like bake and play computer games and listen to music.. but the others are 8,7,6, 4,3,,2,and ,7mths.. lol Thank goodness for sunshine , scooters and bikes ..

We have walked the block many times .. raced and done follow the leader etc.. I did brave it at the supermarket and they all followed like ducklings .. one word from me at the door about what I expected and thats what I got .. wonderful behaviour.. I had a list .. 20 things max, 2 of them could read well enough to get to the right place and the rest of us followed..

I was commended at the checkouts for their behaviour ..

Late nights this week have been playing havoc with my sleeping .. I really must stop mucking about and get to bed on time. caught up in documentary stories on tv is not good.

Allycat is no longer with her man.. long sad story .. he suffers from mental illness and like lots of people who think they are better and it’s time to come off their meds when he does he makes bad choices… not alot we could do but sit back and try to support .. anyway , the boy she fell in love with has gone for now .. and she feels gutted. It was like it came with no warning and her grieving process is now in full swing .. she spends many nights here just to be with people, her best friend and now new flatmate is due back from an 8 week holiday next week, so hopefully that makes it easier for her..

Sparky will be 21 next Friday 23rd… his 21st has been mainly organised by him .. and now Allycat and I have had to step in and fix the finer points .. like food , drink and music .. lol ..

I can hardly believe that I am a mother of 3 over 21year olds .. how can that be ..

Still no work outside of the internet for TOH .. he does many hours online , doing data entry , selling carparts through his website, and now trying to sell steel buildings on commission for a company thats been around for about 20 yrs.. anything from sheds, hay barns to homes .. so if you need a building please let TOH show you.   He makes enough money for now to pay his way … but that all , there is nothing left, anything we do I fund , and he is not happy with that. .. I know he is trying.

I hardly see Dino now and when I do he is abrupt… I do not approve of the way he lives , he lives in filth and disorder.. it drives me mad .. I can not understand how his girlfriend lives like that too and is perfectly fine with it.. Shudders.

I don’t go over there all high and mighty… but he must feel guilty and thats why the rudeness.. I am sure he will grow out of that. If they decide to have children they will have to..

TOH away this weekend for a night .. has a fun day for kids soccer in his home town .. lol so he stying at his Mums .. I like nights like that.. I get to do my own thing.

Anyway , busy day ahead better get showered and dressed.





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July 16, 2010

hugs for Ally cat, poor girl. always busy busy for you in hami-tron

July 17, 2010

lots happening in your life what is the name of the shed he is selling

July 17, 2010

So many kids…you are super carer 🙂

July 17, 2010

U R Great! 🙂

July 17, 2010

you are a saint to cope with 8 kids at once. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the govt came to appreciate all that parenting and care giving entails? Sorry to hear Allycat has a broken heart…and I hope Sparky has a wonderful birthday. hugs P