Where does the time go?


It has been weeks since I was here to even read an entry..

let alone write one of some substance..

Since TOH moved in my computer time has all but diminished.. I guess thats a good thing in a way .. I have other things to do and I am able to communicate in RL. But I miss my online friends.. and I miss chatting with the ones far away .. late at night .

I think I saw an OD friend in town the other day .. but as photos are of one static moment I could not be sure .. lol what was I going to say .. Hey you .. are you (blah blah blah from OD)?  hmmm yep lost my marbles. I just looked at her as she walked past and I hoped that if she caught my eye she’d recognise me too.. she did not .. catch my eye .. and I gave up stalking a few years ago.

It has been incredibly busy this start to 2010.

January saw the business do a flip flop .. money has been tight .. as not only do I pay for many of the perks the last owners gave to us , but I also lost a few kids over the christmas break .. nothing to do with the liquidation .. one went to school , another lost the funding that paid his way and Mum and Dad just struggled. .. but I have kept my head above water .. and also helped out Sparky a little .. mainly food parcels. My new baby started last week.. he was 10 weeks old. the brother of one of my other children. Mum starts back at work this week but needed the week to get herself back into mode .. and anted to be available for me if I ran into trouble with a new baby .. so she would drop off the boys .. walk around the lake with a friend.. go home and do the housework , clean out cupboards and do chores that she needed to catch up on , visit friends and then come and collect the boys .. all very cool stuff kid free..

Sparky has started tech .. he is doing a Horticulture course and so far has started with a hiss and a roar .. loving every minute of it even the homework.. and coming here and speaking a different language.. I didn’t know weeds had poncey names too.. his eyes light up when he tries to teach us .. and he does not shut up for the whole visit about what he is learning .. its a far cry from the begining of my diary when his school days were all about detention and principles visits for me. I am so happy  for him .. plus he got a job at a bar doing waitrssing and bar work .. signed up for that yesterday.. and he has no idea why he got the job .. he has never done anything like that before ..

Speaking of jobs .. TOH got one .. and loves it . its been years since he was employed full time and so it has been a really trying experience to get back into long days at an office. But as he is working close to his childrens schools , he is able to have them here for the shared custody times and get them to and from school easily .. well as easily as he can .. he starts at 7.30 and so leaves here at 6.30 with the kids to drop them at Nanas and they walk from there .. then they go back to Nans after school nd he collects them on his way home at 5 .. doing sports or paper runs and getting home here about 6.30 .. for a shower , dinner , unwind .. make lunch .. tv and bed. He is working for a trucking company as assistant dispatch and pallet finder.. lol he has to make sure all the pallets are documented and stacked where they should be and then sent back to the company that owns them .. but there are so many other things he has to do .. and so his job is never the same , plus the guy that was training him left when his wife had a baby so it has been a bit of a flounder as there was no training manual .. but TOH has made one up as he was taught something he made a flow chart with screen shots off the computer and arrows and coloured boxes to show him what went where etc .. so now he reckons a temp will be able to come into that job and not need training .. its all on the flow sheet. all 27 pages of it. and counting.

ACDC was the best.. 4 days in Wellington .. 2 concerts .. copious amounts of alcohol.. 20 hours on a train .. 10 there 10 back.. bus trips out all day , mueseums , beaches , fish and chips and octopus.. we had a wonderful time and meet awesome people and Wellington put on the finest weather ever .. not a drop of rain and NO wind.

I have writers cramp and a sore neck .. lol out of practice ..

I’ll be back





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March 5, 2010

That’s such great news about Sparky enjoying his course. And TOH’s job. Everything seems to be falling into place for you.

March 5, 2010

Yay, that’s all great news! Good to hear from you again.

March 6, 2010

good to see you here again, but also its good to know you are having some ‘real life’ time with TOH at home *smiles*. Great news about his job too. I have three OD faves who live in same place as you, and have wondered if any of you had met. Have you though of arranging to meet for lunch one day just for fun? Glad you enjoyed the concert…its not my kind of music, – but whatever makes you happy…right? smiles and hugs P

March 6, 2010

Well it goes fast when you’re having fun, you sound as busy as ever, it’s great the good work you do with the kids. xx

March 9, 2010

I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE IN HAMILTON??? or were you talking of me?

March 11, 2010

Good to hear from you and to know you are doing well…((hugs))

I love you! panzer