What weekend..


The only thing about sitting all weekend was that not I feel that I had no time for me ..

ahhh it will come.

After the kids all got picked up .. last one at 1.30 pm . ( bit peeved about that) TOH , the boys and I got some jobs done.

I had been to Bunnings with BE while we waited for her Mum to turn up .. I bought nuts and bolts , plasterboard anchors, and a pair of tin snips..

Sparky had lent me his drill and bits and I set to fixing the cat door that had been cut in the garden shed door.

I have a sheet of baby zinc alum corrogated iron.. so I cute a small patch witht he new tin snips, then TOH came and helped me fix it in place after I had drilled the holes.

He was laughing at me , holding the tin snips , using the drill , banging and crashing about the back yard with perfectly manicured red nails, left over from the work do on Friday night .. heehee.

Once the door was secure and no cats could get in the shed , we stared to fill it with the camp gear. Now thats out of the garage we can move stuff about in there and set it up as the spare lounge and a bedroom for Edna, (TOHs Daughter). She is currently at boarding school down the line , but as of next year will be going to a local school and so will fall into the week on week off scenario that TOH has with his boys.. and as we had not planned for that we are now rushing about trying to make her a room that she will be comfortable in.

The office here in the garage works well and the extra space in the dining room /lounge in the house is amazing .. I am not having too many problems with the boys online all night and day , they are sticking to their allocated hour a day so far , ohh except S is doing lots of study at present for exams so he is doing a little more , but thats school work / homeworks so there is not the same limit.

I have cleared out another huge amount of stuff through Freecycle and am impressed.

I had a Divan bed not good enough for a kids bed but wicked as a couchy thing, but we no longer have the space .. I saw and add on freecycle for a single bed , condition not important has it was for a first aide training room to simulate a bedroom and only for a crash test dummy.. so I worte to them and offered the divan .. they greatly accepted and are going to collect it and let the kids look through the ambulance as a treat.. how cool.

Anyway , the care kids are starting to arrive so I better go.

Have a wicked day



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November 15, 2009

and the amount of time and energy you put into children you really need some ‘me’ time. I hope you get some next weekend. hugs p

November 15, 2009

I am not going to wish you a wicked day – chuckles

November 15, 2009
