lazy sunday afternoon


Had two visitors today , both had to come visit me in my bed .. hahaha , talk about lazy , I never realised it was 12 pm.

TOH came in last night and we went to the Ohaupo Fireworks family fun night , about 20 mins from here.

It was awesome and as we pulled in to the paddock to park our friends were behind us , althought they had text earlier and said they were about to leave and we said we’d catch them out there as we still had to drop off S at his party and get some food packed and drinks sorted etc. Funny they just were running late..

We set up camp and laid out the picnic blanket, I had made Hamburger patties and just packed all the salad needs and buns , we made burgers , to the envy of our friends and all the people sitting around us , with sauces and dressings, grated carrot , tomato and lettuce

Opps ..

we even had Lolly cake and chippies to share around.

They ate Mussel fritters and fair ground hot dogs, thats they got from the stalls there. .. all fatty and greasy .. thats what i tell myself cos I would have loved them but they cost so much, and with 5 kids to feed.. i was way healthier and better off.

The fireworks display was awesome , always is. Such a better atmosphere there than a $30 box from the warehouse.. for the same price.

Called into our friends on the way home to check out their new car , had a few drinks with them and then realised it was after midnight, dragged all the kids back home and straight to bed.. hence I woke late , approx 8;45.

TOH and I sat in bed and caught up on Saturdays paper and all the news , the boys made us a cup of tea and then I got up and made breakfast , scrammbled eggs, and a hamburger pattie heated on toast .. it was yummy .. and was 11.30. I had text Sparky and asked him if I could borrow his drill , so he popped in and dropped it off , then another friend called in as his phones been playing up and he has no way of collecting all our text messages .. so he just came in and talked to us , and we made plans to visit him this afternoon .. so we had to get up. Quite Frankly I would have loved to have stayed in bed all day and rolled over again to sleep..

Anyway , I am about to go water the plants and plant out the corn , yes I know I have still not done that .. so then I can curl up and go to sleep again.

Hope you have all had a safe and happy weekend.



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November 8, 2009

Fireworks displays much nore preferable to buying, we had a good one here too.

November 8, 2009

sounds lovely!

November 8, 2009

glad you are maintaining a regular watering routine with your new plants….I will visit in time for the harvest…lol…OK? hugs P

November 8, 2009

djd planted corn…since finding out the plants maybe a bit close to each other…