day 2: 2 days in a row.


Another fun filled day at the coal face..

Hip Hoppers this morning , where the children get to mplay in indoor equipment, dress up , bouncy castle , then thats all packed to one side and we sing songs and dance .. eg .. Hokey Tokey, row row row your boat , and song and dance by the Funky Monkeys and the Wiggles. Lots of Nursery Rhyme and hand songs too .. then we pop into a side room where they have morning tea for the children and drinks , and morning tea for the Mums and carers and we all get to sit and chat for a few minutes .. then they open the doors and Hey Presto the bouncy castle and all the toys are back there to play with for another 30 mins before pack up and home tiome..

Its an awesom way to spend the morning.

I made a new dish for Dinner tonight .. not to be beaten by Aussie Powers who cooks magnificent meals for his wife and kids ..

1 pkt of kransky sausages , 500g pumpkin , 500g potato, 1 large red Kumara, 500g peas, 1 onion, tomato paste , paprika, 1 litre water, vege stock cubes..really its just all cooked in the pot together for approx 30 mins simmering .. and served with Cous cous. sprinkled with parsley..

Went down a treat.

Followed by Lolly cake that P and I made today while we waited for her mum to collect her .. it’s becoming a habit..

Also a habit is this walk thing .. and I am so pleased that I did it tonight even tho I felt like staying home and drinking the rest of my wine bottle.

so .. thats me .. day 2 over and out



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November 2, 2009


November 2, 2009

I will be in your city tomorrow ( wednesday) but tied up in Ham East with my dad and uncle ( Uncle Gil is at Edenthorpe Rest home) so won’t get a chance to catch up with you this trip. However I do have plans to come down again over summer – alone!!!!! Habits?? My worse is chocolate….and sleeping….and loitering on OD….. and grumbling that I never have any spare time. lol Have a goodday tomorrow. hugs P

November 3, 2009

love kransky!