The Donkey Farm


Went for a visit to the local Donkey Farm Tuesday

Wow what an awesome time we had .. and all the animals were so placid.

Peacocks , ducks hens , sheep pigs ,goats , horses , donkeys of course..

this is my artsy fartsy side .. lol

and this …

Heres looking at you kid ……..

On a more serious note .. the tattoo

And my little presence…

It is hard to see .. but it has legs and spots .. all the pics I took close up were blury and way to bright..
she is too cute .. and so is TOH for getting her on there ..
gotta laugh at the teenage looking shaved arm ..
Labour weekend here .. Monday off.
Lots planned .. clean and tidy up more .. Have half carpeted the garage .. and I have emptied the shed , will bug spray that tomorrow and then get all the camp gear in there .. that will clear out the garage a little more .. then I can carpet the other half. Also need to move the computer desks out to the garage and set up the office with the file cabinet and printer etc..
Have booked my train tickets to Wellington for Jan.. AC/DC concert 28th and 30th 2010.. now to save for the accommodation.. I have a few friends there but have opted for the back packers across the road from the train station and the concert venue , saves on travel expenses.
Time for bed .. and have a strange feeling in my tummy ..
hmmm .. like a toilet or a burp needed.. hope that goes.. (TMI)
Night night


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October 23, 2009

flying down could be cheaper $59 from Auckland xx

October 23, 2009

ryn rmn: 49 dollars is cheap for the train before it closed it was 95 dollars- I would travel on the train for that price xx

October 23, 2009

Hope your tummy is ok! Love the peacock photo. Such a pretty birdy.

October 24, 2009

I do hope you got through the night without more tummy rumbles. That 2nd tatoo is quite tasteful…I like it. Donkey farm ? You showed pics of anything but donkeys…lol Good job we know what they look like. smiles and hugs P

October 27, 2009

And you all realise thats TOH’s arm right .. not my Tattoo