Family Dinner


All the lists ticked off

All the kids arrived

The house filled with chatter , laughter and fun poking at each other .. wow

I miss my kids.

I cooked and I cleaned .. they are still a little lazy in that respect .. although I guess if I had asked they would have jumped. Plus we have a dishwasher now so it was fairly easy..

Meatloaf and baked potatoes with Broccoli Salad and Carleens Salad.*

Self Saucing chocolate pudding and ice cream to follow..

a nice glass of Sav and a sit down finally ..

I called the meeting to order.

Over the past year the family have struggled with lowered income, work cut back days and changes of hours and living arrangements. so we decided to go for the secret santa approach this year.. and capped at $50 .. ( I think thats too high .. ) I wanted $30  or $20 and a home made gift..  lol I was laughed out of the lounge.. but they all agreed on nothing over $50 and if you get to a sale and can find a $100 thing for $10 .. yeah for you .. . what ever .. I just don’t want the stress.

We also did one for the under 18’s .. TOH’s kids and Maxi and S.. capped at $10..

No one can really afford to go camping .. and most are still working .. Dino and Em and moving , Sparky may be out of work as his contract ends 11 Dec.. so that was not finalised.

But they are all able to come to a cousins 21st Next month in Waihi.

Wicked .. must book another cabin at the Hotel.


*Carleens salad as thats the name of the person who gave us the recipe and we have no idea what else to call it. .. and Funnily enough Carleen calls it Lisas salad.. for the same reasons



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October 15, 2009

A genealogy of recipes :O) D

October 15, 2009

the best kind of salad I think 50 is good….too little and its a struggle but with 50 you can go under and feel pretty good about it

October 15, 2009

self saucing pudding and ice cream would go down a treat here right now too. Enjoy your weekend, hugs P

October 16, 2009

food sounds yum!

October 16, 2009

Sound finger licking and mouthwatering good!

October 16, 2009

how about no presents and plenty of family fun and time- or buy your own present something you really want and present it on the day xx

October 17, 2009

I am happy to put some of your pics onto canvas but there is a few requirements I have if you wish to use your own photos. Firstly they have to be on largest pixels ( preferably around 2250×1650) or they won’t blow up to A4 clearly. I also work with a plain background as much as possibly or otherwise the background can distract from face features. You need to know I can only do A4 size canvas,and they are special preshrunk canvas so are not able to be stretched. They need to go into a frame. Let me know if this all works for you. In fact I prefer to take the photos that I use myself, so it might be better to wait until you next visit the island. Hopefully that may be this summer?????? hugs P

October 18, 2009

RYN: Re those pics. I am planing to bring dad down to Hamilton sometime in November to visit his brother who’s in the rest home there. Maybe I can leave the two of them for a short time and pop around to you to take those photos. Its one option anyway, especially if you want them for Christmas. I can’t promise dad or time will allow but its worth a try, don’t you think? hugs P

October 19, 2009