

I got caught up in it ..

Facebook has its ups and downs .. I can follow everyones day .. catch up with old friends .. play games etc ..

and its quick .. in and out .. but its the amount of in and outs that I do thats concerning ..lol

Had a productive weekend.. got more cleared in the Garage , making space nicely but so much yet to go ..

Sparky tapped into the phone line in the roof cavity and ran a phone line down the garage wall and into a new jack point , so now we can have the computers and phone plugged into the garage and make the office space.

Hoping that then will make room in the lounge for a little move around of the setting.

Plus I want to get a couple of 2 door wardrobe cupboards for storage space in the garage .. so I can then get all my resources out of the linen cupboard and maybe even the Christmas decorations and assorted stuff .. amazing how quickly the mess grows and you cram it back in the cupboard ..

The corner I am not happy to tackle is the one with boxes of kids memory stuff , notes from friends from my childhood .. and from my childrens baby years.

I have to be ruthless.

I drank a bottle of wine Saturday night … got a text from a bored friend and asked if I wanted to come watch movies with him .. I said hell yeah but I can’t drive .. 10 mins later he was here.. whisked me away and we watched movies till the wee small hours..

In the morning he made me breakfast , and we watched one more movie before he bought me home.. I think I will miss that sort of thing most when TOH moves in … not sure he will see that as a wicked way for me to spend a weekend.  We will see.

Maxi was funny when I got home .. he was up and doing the dishes .. I walked in the door and he said Tsk Tsk Tsk .. made me laugh.

Off to coffee group this morning ..a chance for the carers to get together and gossip, while the children play.



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August 2, 2009

I love catching up with your updates on facebook, I promise to leave more messages

August 3, 2009

My friend was appalled that I had over 100 notifications on facebook. I told her that I didn’t want to have to log on every day and deal with it – so she sat there and deleted all of them for me. It took a long time! I find that I’m starting to resent all the facebook applications that everyone tries to invite you to join. Even if you don’t join you still have to delete the request.

August 3, 2009

yes thats the good thing about FB…once can be there a short time…unlike OD where some of us tend to linger and loiter as if we had nothing else better to do. And, do we? LOL hugs P

August 4, 2009

Great about the decluttering……I need to be a bit more ruthless here. Thanks for your comment on the referendum. The statistic I was pleased to read about the other day is that we are collectively smacking our kids less than we used to, regardless of how that came about. Have a good day down there in the Waikato. xx

August 6, 2009
August 8, 2009

it seems a lot of people are on facebook- cannot see the point of it myself- chuckles