T Boned


If we had a drawing board here i’d draw you a diagram…

This morning as I was driving down a st, about to turn into a driveway and car park at a neighbourhood shop/ corner dairy. When I was hit by a car in the side of the van.. .. you are kidding me .. I had indicated .. was in the middle of the street, semi stopped and then turned and she was over taking me and hit me .. lucky neither of us was going fast ..I was nearly stopped and she was about 30 kmh… but she still made a HUGE dent in my van!!!

She made it out to be my fault .. that i was not in the middle of the road , that I was on the left of the road and turned in front of herb.. blah blah .. I was so shaken I just wabnted to exchnage details and go .. but she was ranting and raving and as I called the insurance company she said … she was not insured.. OH MY GOD!!!!

My company said that if she was not insured and was not claiming liable that i had to front with the $300 excess on my insurance .. loose my no claims bonus before the claim could be settled… grrrrrrrrrrr.

After she left i called my police friend .. he said go to the police station .. make an un attended report… everyone I have spoken too said she was in the wrong .. she hit me in the middle wich shows I was already in the turn when she passed me ..

We are all ok .. infact .. one of my care kids had gone to sleep .. and it was his side that got hit .. and he slept throgh it.. No one cried .. or got upset.. they all said .. that lady hit your car ..

I had S and Maxi in the car too so they sat with the kids and fed them and talked to them while I dealt with the lady and insurance company.

I took it to panel beater tonight and they said it is close to write off… buggar me !!!!

will keep you all up dated ..

Am on TOH’s computer and the buttons are sticking on his keyboard .. its ancient so I am not happy typing here .. I have to thump like and old typewriter.. and backspace sucks ..




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July 9, 2009

I’m glad you and the kids are okay!

July 9, 2009
July 9, 2009

grrrrr I hate people like that, I hope she gave you the right deatils. sounds like the type of person to try and get out of anything

July 9, 2009

if she was not insured that is wwhy she is trying to lay blame. Similar things happened to me back in February in QT but the police figured it out. Try not to worry, it will all be ok…especially if there were witnesses. Hopefully your insuranc will cover panel work, but not of course your nerves. Hope today and the wekend are better for you. At least sun in shining. hugs P

July 9, 2009

Omg! So glad everybody is okay. But still, really sucks that she did so much damage to your poor car. Stupid cow. I’ve got one wallet left and I’ll work out that stuff for you today.

July 10, 2009

hugs! Glad u r okay !

July 10, 2009

What a pain. Glad you and the kids are ok though. Take care.

July 14, 2009

Oh thats not good. Hope you can get some sort of contribution. At least no one was hurt. Hugs.