Pajama Day


Yesterday was my Pajama day..

During the school holidays I usually have extra kids in care plus my own, and the places that i take the care kids do not run.. like the playgroup , little school and Hip Hoppers, so I make my own school holiday program.

Monday weather permiting we were to go to the park.. but as it was raining we opted for morning tea with TOHs Mum.

She has chickens so in between rain showers we popped out and fed them and checked them out.

Tuesday was Pajama day .. we all come in our Pajamas, then we jump in the car, drive down to the mall and all choose a DVD, buy microwave popcorn and come home .. heaters on, curtains closed .. rain pouring outside.. we cuddle up on the couch eat popcorn and watch … Bratz , Dumbo, Budgie and the runaway train, Game Plan, Best of the Auckland Zoo.

It is my most favorite day .. the kids love it that we are all in pajamas.. and I love the laziness of the day  Never mind that the parents and shop keepers think I am mad.

Today is craft day .. I have a small loom and I will be trying to teach my eldest care child to weave .. the others can weave using the gutter guard plastic sheets and just poke the materials through the holes .. we will paint , paste and colour.

Tomorrow there is a clown show in town .. a local man (clown ) has hired a school hall and is charging $5 a head. Mica is a funny guy. and although I have one child unsure of clowns and dressed up people, the more exposure she gets supported by us all the better I think it is for her.

Friday we are catching the bus to the supermarket.. we are going to buy a packet cake and come home and make it for afternoon tea. Normally we would make a cake from scratch .. but the children I have Friday are younger and some troublesome so the faster I can do it the better ..the less steps we have etc .. lol they will still get to stir and measure.

And next week it is a whole new program.

I have just watched the last hour of the Micheal Jackson memorial .. interesting .. the hardest thing I thought and maybe the strangest was at the end when Paris was on stage with the rest of the family and spoke .. it was almost forced.. and like a child on show .. hmmm how scary for her .. Aunty Janet standing behind her saying speak up honey .. the mic way to high..  shakes head .. brave girl ..

Better skoot , I have a baby in care and he just decided he wants breakfast .. he arrives at 6.30am and sleeps on the couch not long after he gets here .. so now at 7.50 hes awake and hungry ..

and the rain comes down again today .. hmmm yeah!!!



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July 7, 2009

Man, you must be so much fun to be a kid around. The idea of heaters and pyjamas and DVDs sounds appealing even at my age!

July 8, 2009

I love the way you have different ‘days’…..and so often wish I could do a pyjama day but kn owing my luck would get caught out with a visitor. I hope you are keeping that new ring well polished! lol hugs P