Sick kids


One of my care kids is sick .. she is nearly 3 …and I am worried for her and her parents.

Monday she arrived .. good as gold .. Mum said she had complained of a sore tummy over the weekend but nothing came of it and thought it was due to the fact that the others in the house were sick with colds and had been having "Pamol" for headaches and sore throats.. she too was given a small amount to make her better.. Mum also said that she had had a few wet pants.. and I had had that last week too .. 4 a day .. and we put it down to cold days .. busy play .. different surroundins(as she wet while we were out) laziness.. just excuses.

CRR sat at the table .. ate morning tea chatted with the other kids played a bit and ran about .. all seemed normal. I noticed that her pants were a little wet and sent her off to the loo and to get a change of pants. When she came out of the bathroom I was kneeling in the hall searching the book case for a lost library book and she stopped to talk to me .. I noticed that she was pale .. that she was jittery.. shaking almost .. and was breathing rapidly.. heart racing. talking fast .. hard to understand .. (but that can be normal as she is hard to understand lots of times , unless you are on her wave length)

I took her to the lounge and had TOH and Sparky watch her .. what did they think .. they agreed. I left her for a bit and she seemed to get worse .. shaking uncontrollably.. and pale as .. I wondered about low blood sugars .. as diabetes had been questioned in her health checks before and ruled out a year or so ago..

I text Mum and said I was concerned about her .. gave her the symptoms.. suggested maybe she make a Dr Appointment maybe get her checked.. she said she would.   Within the time it took to send the text .. CRR was bright red .. glazed eyes.. temp of 39.4 and dry retching.. I text mum right back and said "Make that for NOW .. and maybe emergency med centre if she could not get into hers. and updated the symptoms. CRR and I sat with a towel and bowl and waited for mum and Sparky watched the other kids .. CRR didn’t want to be "sick" saying she was fine .. but all the time getting redder , hotter and shaking hard out .. she had a thin wee top on when Mum came to get her and off they went to the med centre. CRR vomited all the way there ..

Later in the afternoon Mum rang and said that after Pamol at the emergency centre and a sleep CRR had come right and they were sent home. On Ammoxycillian for an "infection" that had given the temp .. but not nose , ears or throat .. Dr was unsure what it was..

Tuesday Morning and after an hourly temp watch, cleaning up vomit and no sleep for Dad, Mum took her back to the Med centre. She had come to drop off baby Brother here for care for the day and CRR was insitant on coming in and getting a drink and going to the loo… she had had temps all night up and down and slept well. But here she was shaking so hard she was nearly falling over .. glazed eyes again and thirsty. and NOT my cheerful child.

Mum went back to the emergency centre and they got a urine sample and said she had a bladder infection .. the antibiotics will help that .. seeya .. pretty much.

Tuesday afternoon when they came to collect baby brother I went to the car ..again uncontrollable shakes .. whiter than white .. temp of 35. . I called the emergency centre .. they said .. come back or go to Hospital.. so off mum went again..

On the way to centre they called her and said go straight to Hospital .. so off she went .. Temp on arrival was 39.8 ? and they gave her pamol.. then she waited 6 hours.. and nothing more .. they had in that time moved her into the childs wing of emergency but no Dr came , and Nurses said they were waiting for files from Centre.. then they said . Ohh you don’t have a referral from Centre to be here .. so the Dr will not be able to see you for at least 9 hours .. by this time it is 9.30pm and CRR is tired and hungry. ..(plus somewhere in there they told her that the antibiotic CRR was on will not clear the urine infection)

Mum went home with CRR.. slept the night and called me this morning .. CRR was doing ok .. slept well again all night .. but was still having periods of pale and shaking with raging temps and sleeping ..

This evening she rang me again .. the nurse from Centre called and said the urine sample tests came back it is not an infection , but she has blood cells blah blah blah and when asked what that meant she said .. could mean Kidney failure .. take her to your Dr in the Morning and get him to do more tests.

I was flabergasted at the way this has been handled.. this child presents very unwell and is getting the run around. If there is no joy with the Dr tomorrow I will be going in with her .. maybe Mum is not getting the message across .. and

WTF is with dropping kidney failure on the table and then doing nothing about reassuring the parent that baby is ok .. or not ok .. what does that mean ???

Ohhh I wish I had been there.

My poor baby .. she is just not her bubbly smiley happy girl .. she has had nothing to eat for 3 days now (apart from morning tea here .. a few bites of this and that and water) has vomited daily and is getting worse.

On the other friend story .. the one that was going to Move in here .. she went to WINZ and broke down .. actually told them ALL the things that were happening .. had a letter from the land lord etc  and they have realised that she was desperate.. they have paid the arrears in rent .. given her extra money for food.. are looking at paying the child care accounts.. and will put her through re training if she decides to after she gets her life back on track.

Pheww someone was watching over her that day .. I was happy for her .. not lets hope she works hard to get out of debt.

hmmmm about to fall asleep on the keyboard .. will have to note you all tomorrow .. Night night



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July 1, 2009

I agree with you that CRR hasn’t received very good service from the docs, sounds like she should be in hospital where they can do more extensive tests. Hope she recovers soon, hugs.

July 1, 2009

That’s terrible…how can anyone make a kid that sick wait around like that? They’re so fragile when they’re little. I hope she comes good soon.

July 1, 2009

OMG, I would be screaming at someone if that was my baby. Don’t mess with kids man, everyone at the hospital should be a darn sight more helpful than all that BS!!!

July 2, 2009

our medical professionals are certainly not what they used to be, neither is the whole medical profession. sleep well, and I hope wellbeing and health return soon to the household. hugs P

July 2, 2009

I am worried for that child too

July 4, 2009

I hope the little girl is doing ok. Let us know what happens.

I would be raising the ROOF LOL! and F’n HOW! Send me home my ASS! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! Do you guys have a childrens hospital? If one is near by I sugjest she drive there and walk in with HELP ME all over her face…within an hour that baby would be sorted. Poor thing! She is in my prayers! Please tell mom your american friend said sometimes you HAVE to get mad to get results! 🙂 love~ Me