JuPoThiMo 8


I feel so calm and in control.

It is no trouble to get up and make my childrens breakfast and to slap a few things together for their lunches. ( I had got out of that routine)

I enjoy routines, and I see the benefits of them.


I washed the car today with one of my care children, 20 month old NH .. wow he loved it..it was cold outside and the water was warm, he loved splashing about in the bucket and slopping the wet cloth all over the car. Then we go the hose out…

His Mum arrived just as we had come inside and turned the heater on to get changed out of his wet clothes.

He raved about it.. lol

The Field days are on this week ,, and I am going to go Friday with my 2 boys and the care kids .. they love it .. we went last year. The boys love the tractors and machinery, and I guess the girls do to ..lol they just are not as vocal about the size shape colour and engine power.. *shrugs* how can a 4 year old know this stuff!!!

I have not heard from my Mum at all yet .. A little worried about the amount of swine flu victims in OZ.. and the people coming home on planes that may have been in touch with it .. I guess she will be careful.. and quarintine herself




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June 8, 2009

RYN: It does, actually. But it caused a lot of confusion, so they changed it to a more pointless, rhetorical title.

June 8, 2009

there is something endearing about kids playing in water!!! Don’t worry about your mum, no news is generally good news. I am flying over there next month and have no concerns. From what I hear swine flu really isn’t any worse than regular winter flu. Is she in Victoria? Thats the worst hit state. But considering the population of Oz the numbers still aren’t huge. hugs P