JuPoThiMo 7


I have decided to start swimming on a regular basis .

I am going to take my boys swimming , a bit of Mum and son time after a few lengths.




At last nights party ..

I was on the dance floor .. chatting to a few mates while the band set up .. and old rocker , bluesy sort of music .. anyway we were standing there not many people on the floor at all , most of them standing back at the tables and on the deck or around the bar..

5 people on stage, setting up guitars, mic stands , checking and plugging in.. the lead singer and guitarist walked towards the back of the stage .. and then Fell head first down the step narrow stairway landing as a crumbled heap on the floor at the bottom .. no one seemed to move .. it was like no one saw .. or if they did they thought someone else would help ..

I flew over there from the other side of the dance floor.. after i exclaimed to my friends that RP had fallen down the stairs.. they just stayed where they were, By the time I got there 2 other men from the band and on the stage had come down the stairs and were hauling him up off the floor .. not one of them stopped to check he was ok before they shifted him .. I was so worried as he had come down head first ..

I recalled all the stuff from First aide course..

anyway they hauled him up onto the stage and sat him down .. not a maternal bone in their bodies they left him and carried on with the tuning and checking .. I guess they had a time frame. (in hindsight I also guess they knew RP and how he was)

I went to the bar asked for a drink of water and climbed the stairs to check if he was ok .. he seemed dazed and confused .. funny as those are the lyrics to a song he sings.. he was rubbing his leg .. his jeans torn across the knee.. I asked if he was ok .. he looked at me blankly and said yes .. I didn’t even know I had fallen .. i slipped in the .. on the .. look at my knee.

Even a child would have been able to see that this man was not well .. not right .. and he was to be on stage and performing within the next 10 minutes, lead singer, his band. .. we chatted a bit and he made a few jokes .. he had a bleeding knee , had taken some skin off with his fall.. this was not a well man tho ..I asked a few basic questions .. drinking , eaten ? head injury ? and he said .. he has not slept for weeks since his darling sweetheart had left for another man… awwwww..

I kept an eye on him .. helped him stand up shake his leg , he was ok if not a little wobbly ..

He played a few songs , lost the guitar strap and got caught up trying to get it attached back on .. so i slipped up the steps back stage and helped him with out being to intrusive.

I spoke to him later and we had a few laughs , but he is a sad sad man . a shell of his former self .. and he knows he did wrong , and he has learnt his lesson , but its too late , he lost his sweetheart. She had reached her breaking point. Understandable I guess.. and a tough lesson for him .. ahhh the perils of an aging Rock and Roll star.


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June 7, 2009


June 7, 2009

such a sad situation….seems he really needed your help and I am sure it made a difference. Probably the rest of them have been through this with him a thousand times before and lost patience. He definately needs slef but has to want it for himself. So good you were there, and cared. hugs P