Saturday night was thr Night Glow .. getting there this year was easier with the Free bus service being upgraded, but as for the whole 10th birthday celebration and Earth Hour countdown .. I was disapointed..

They said there would be inflation , night glow, fire works then Earth Hour ..

In the past the inflation and Night Glow (where the Balloons light their burners , and the balloons glow in the dark) and they have a set of music that the balloons light up to on time .. like some light show with rhythym.. This year .. they went up .. the music played .. some kids sang Happy Birthday for the 10th birthday , and then the balloons sort of went on and off and all of a sudden without pomp and ceremony the fireworks display went off .. it was VERY impressive , but seemed to be a bit flat .. then to add insult to injury .. we stayed for Earth Hour .. and they had a Huge count down .. 12 .. 10 8..  NOTHING!!! .. all the lights stayed on ..

Anti climax. Oh well all the lights at home stayed off for 4 hours ..

We caught the bus home. got home about 10.30 ish.

I had had a glass of wine .. I don’t drink much now .. maybe a glass once a week.. if that.

Anyway .. all this BS with TOH had got the better of me and the glass of wine helped me to make a phone call… and tear him a new one.

omg I was on fire .. and after 6 years I let him have it .. until the phone went flat..

So then I got in the car and drove to his place with all his stuff in a box .. I was madder than mad.

and I was greeted at the door with a sick tired man .. but I never stopped. ..

In his defence .. I got my fair share too .. lack of communication over the last few years had a lot to answer for .. and male pride needs to be burried.

About 3 am I lay down and went to sleep.. in his arms.

The promises made .. the apologies given.

Time will tell.

He left again Sunday.. for a 2 week stretch.

In the few days that he has been gone .. I have had numerous text messages ..1 phone call and 2 emails. .. almost more than I have had in the last year.  I understand where he is coming from and he with me ..I asked if I had made a mistake coming out to see him ? calling him ? He said No .. I was coming to see you in the morning to sort this out .. I Missed you , and wanted you back in my life. We have both been stupid and stubborn. I had to agree.. and the lack of communication over the last few months was not helping.

I have yet to face family and friends .. But at this stage I am happy with the decisions we have made.

Like I said Time will tell , and we have had a huge shake up.

Then Monday I took the care kids to the Wiggles.. 3 children and their mum or Dad, and me and 2 kids.. 9 of us catch the bus into town .. it was so exciting .. and when they came on stage to watch the faces of the children was priceless .. like wow its the wiggles.

One of my children is quiet and withdrawn , there are problems at home and things are very difficult at the moment , I try to make life as normal as possible. This trip was something that would never happen otherwise , The Dad spoke to my coordinator about changes to hours and accounts , and was all doom and gloom about the family situation .. they had not been able to afford the ticket and I was prepared to wear the cost, but Grandad came to their aid and said he would pay.. wow .. she asked how the concert had been for the child .. Dads face lit up and said OMG how amazed he was at the childs excitment .. he had not thought they were into it .. but was so pleased they had the oppotunity to get there as they had not stopped talking about it for days.. how they samg songs , did actions and said .. and this .. and this .. and this .. every day another story .. another memory.

My coordinator rang me and praised me so much for giving this family the chance to send their child to something they would never have done .. to have made such a HUGE difference in the life of a child. .. I cried!!.

I was overwhelmed by the concert .. I have been to many many concerts .. this I knew ALL the words.. I knew all the moves.

I was reminded that this is my career.. so i should know them all ,

It was thrilling .. and I can not say enough about their stage presence , the acting , the gymnastics .. the total Spunk Anthony!!.. and Captain Feathersword….Drool !!!

I’d do that again …




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April 2, 2009

wow I didn’t expect to read the “in his arms” part. i hope your both able to get the communication flowing. Thats awesome about the wee kiddie having an awesome moment with his dad…….. very heart melting

April 2, 2009

so I guess Hamiltonians are not into power conservation! Thats a shame. Glad at least you did the Earth Hour. Pity about the baloons too, they should have been a sight for sore eyes! Wiggles? Wow, you know how to live it up don’t you? LOL hugs P

April 3, 2009

Wow…I’m so proud to hear you finally let it rip at TOH. I hope he understands now… I reckon the Wiggles would be an awesome atmosphere – so many kiddies going off and having fun…

🙂 and 🙂 panzer

April 5, 2009

Glad you had a good time at the concert. But…I don’t get the TOH part. What TOH stands for, may I ask?

April 6, 2009

Wow, hope it goes well.

April 14, 2009

Going to sleep in his arms……thats a special relationship there my friend. But good that you both said things there were previously unsaid.

April 17, 2009

I am so glad things work out for you and TOH. 6 years is a long time, don’t ever give it up easy. Good Luck!