How Proud am I ??


Today was Allycats Graduation.

She Graduated with a Bachelor in Media Arts Communication.

The first of my family to get a degree. ( as in my Mum and Dads kids.. and grandkids)

What an exciting day.

My neice came with her partner Jeff.. from Auckland, Mum came in from Raglan .. and Sparky ,Allycat and me and Ian

We met up in the Theatre where all the ceremonies where held, got second row back from the front seats.

Yelled and Yahooed when she walked on stage..

Clapped madly as her Trencher was placed on her head by the chairman of the board.. Gordon Chesterman.


Then we dashed into the photographers rooms and had family shots taken .. and individuals.. then off to lunch at a Cafe in town .. what a wicked day

Ian and I get on well .. he could be my friend.. I still have the niggles at some of the habits he has .. and say Phew.. when we our visits are over .. but he is a nice guy that is now trying to do the right thing with his kids. 😉 Happy about that.. and we are civil.

Michelle A’Court was the guest speaker today at the ceremony … what a riot she ws .. and inspirational..

I am taking a leaf from her book regarding being green..

Recycling is the way we are now and I do my bit as and where i can .. but I just realised that I have done more .. I have recycled a Husband and now a boyfriend.. .. some womans junk is another womans husband.. man I nearly pee’d when she said that story..

Anyway .. Piture time ..

Me and my girl .. (having a bad hair day .. sorry)

Sparky and Allycat

Dad and Allycat (Ian for those that have never seen him .. )

and last but not least .. me and my Mum .. a self portrait.. she will be 79 in  a month.. how did she get so old ??



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March 17, 2009

Oh lovely, all of you. That is quite an accomplishment. Love the photos.

March 17, 2009

great pics! congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The babys are grown ups! where has the time gone? Please tell her I said congradulations and that I am sooo proud of her. ps…your on my desktop now…giggles!!! *pats Ian on the back for doing the right thing* panzer

March 17, 2009

I know your hubby from somewhere- where? xxx and congrats to allycat!

March 17, 2009

wow love the pics. allycat looks very much like you!! lucky girl 🙂

March 17, 2009

Congrats to Allycat! No wonder you’re so proud. 🙂

March 18, 2009

proud moments indeed. I’m so pleased for you my friend.

March 18, 2009

OOOOOOOOOOOOOO prezzies! I love prezzies! 🙂 Ya that thong didnt fit for long did it LOL! Thats ok…its still special to me because of you. 🙂

March 18, 2009

your family is all beautiful, and you have every right to be porud of Alleycat…none of my kids even went to tersiary ed. (I did, but never completed degree). Thanks for sharing those wonderful pics, you all look so happy. I laughed at the recycling comment….I have recycled a few trashy men in my lifetime too…LOL. Good for you….. hugs and smiles P