You know what really Bugs me …


It bugs the life out of me when I get emails from friends and old people about Hoax emails that are flying about ..

I always check before I send .. In fact I don’t like to forward those    ^you have 9 mins to send this or bad luck will happen ^   emails..

I have on more than one occasion written to this one lady and said to her hoax .. please don’t send these to me .. or please check here before you send .. blah blah .. but tonight I get another one ..

A missing girl email..and it says to contact a woman in Rotorua.. I copied the name of the "missing" girl  pasted it in to google and bam .. websites galore of how this was a hoax..

So I emailed her again .. a little more firmly.. I hope she gets the message .

Other than that .. 🙂 I am ok .

Party in Ngaruawahia tomorrow .. might try and get a ride on a Harley again this weekend .. the toy run is on and I have mates going.

Babysitting now and again in the morning .. 2 different kids and a family tonight ..

Childrens day Sunday 1st March.. every park in Hamilton just about has an event on .. bouncy castles .. clowns .. face painting etc .. and my fav kids group the Funky Monkeys.. ohh they rock . Then my work is doing a family picnic .. bring your own and a blanket to a park and they have Japanese drummers booked .. will be awesome if the weather holds.

TOH is off to Hawera to some power station to work for a few months .. hopes to be back in the weekends but I don’t see that happening to his plan .. I think we are just about is one sided and I am on the out. Nice while it lasted. but our dreams and wants are worlds apart. Will remain friends as we have so much fun and so many social events with the same group of friends.



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February 27, 2009

Sorry to read about TOH situation. I hope you are able to get reimbursed for that $200 re dog in pound. I hate those hoaxes too.

February 27, 2009


February 27, 2009

I don’t like hoaxes too…they are so annoying! Anyway,have a nice weekend!

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February 27, 2009

You’re so smart to have found out it was a hoax like that! Sucks about the situation with TOH…

February 27, 2009

be careful returning home from Ngaruawahia on the Harley after partying, especially with roads so wet. Have fun though. I agree…those emails bug me too…most are so old I cannot believe people are still sucked in. hugs P

February 27, 2009

yes I refuse to send them on as well- I delete them without checking- they play on emotions and any with bad luck are disgusting because what worries me about that is they must collect spiritual energy as they generate and pass through the minds who mindlessly read them

February 28, 2009

eeewwwwwww Hawera!!!!! he’ll be back every weekend I’m sure!!!!

March 2, 2009

I roll my eyes while deleting them. 🙂 Sorry to hear about you and TOH. I liked him. 🙂 So now its on to find someone that makes you happy inside and out. love you!