why are you so worried?


I have had a few conversations lately with friends and family about this new DNA testing thing ..

well maybe describing it as a thing lets you know that I am not fully versed on the ins and outs , but as i see it … if you do something against the law , an inprisonable offence, the police can take your DNA sample and bank it.. (this is a proposed law change, not in effect yet)

if you get off the offence they then distroy it.

My opinion is that if you have done nothing wrong then I dont see the harm in it.. what are you scared of ?  if you are not running foul of the law, you have no reason to feel that your rights have been violated.

My friends and family members (some not all) see it as a breach of rights.. that they are gearing up to have us all bar coded and micro chipped etc .. at least if we were then finding missing persons would be a breeze.(not that I am advocating that right now)

anyway a little story .. 3 years ago .. TOH got a dog.. a lovely little lab cross spaniel thing.. beautiful natured .. loving. Now he hates the idea of the big brother watching him and his dog and he was not going to get her chipped , in fact he hated the thought of having her registered.. I argued that if she got lost that they could find her owners , etc. he wouldn’t have it.. so a year passes and she is still un registered and un chipped.

We all go on the bus to the balloon festival and the dog is locked in the back section of my place.. 4 hours later we come home and there is no sign of the dog .. 6 foot fences all around the house .. gates locked.

A neighbour says that she saw the rangers come and pick up the dog from the street , she was roaming.. must have jumped the fence.

So TOH goes home without the dog , kids crying .. and the next day i call the pound and am told she is there , office hours are the next day .. I turn up to ID her and pay the fine etc and they said the only way she is allowed out is if she is chipped.. and registered.. $200 including the over nights stay in the doggy jail.

I just did it .. TOH and the kids wanted the dog back.. and she was crying so loud it was making me cry.

Long story shorter.. she has never jumped the fence again, never run off , and ha sno ill effects from the chip.

But if she ever gets lost again they can run the machine over her back and call either TOH or me.

I see it as a good thing..

Another theory of this bunch of friends is that the NZ licencing company has the technology to take digital images of our faces and are already doing this through drivers licence photos, this face mapping takes bone structure photos and stores them,,, secretly.. there is a website dedicated to it .. and the government rushed through some laws on new yeras eve years ago to let it become legal.. they don;t use the photos now but all are on file somewhere … ohh lord the conspricacy theories.  so that means when you are caught on CCTV they can match you up .. for the love of Pete… I’ll say it again .. if you have done nothing ilegal .. what are you worried about??

The banks can tell where you have last used your EFTPOS card… VISA etc .. so thats a trace ,, there are hundreds of security cameras everywhere.. they see you walk in and out of stores , gas stations , up and down main streets… surely thats a protective thing.. not an invasive thing.. shrugs..

I’d like to know what you think???

I’m tired…night..



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February 24, 2009

I agree. I’m fine with the cops or the government or whoever having my details. I’m not that interesting – and while I might do some embarassing things, I don’t think I have anything to hide. Just things that some people might rather not know, lol.

February 27, 2009

yeah I’m with you, I don’t mind an agency knowing about my movements because I trust them !! Or rather I trust people generally not to use that info destructively.

February 27, 2009

I think it is a down right worry and I am a law abiding citizen- but there are crooked people working in departments