Not all Lamposts are created …


An equal distance apart…

For the last 3 weeks I have been walking in the mornings when my first child arrives.. he gets here about 6.30 , so I am up and ready in my walking gear and with the mountain buggy in the driveway. he gets straight from the car to the stroller.

I started out doing 30 mins.. not far i know but heck .. I was sweating just getting the stoller out of the garage.

Now I am at 45 mins and have gone an extra block.. and although I get home red faced I am not as huffy and puffy.

Today I added an extra thing .. I decided to walk faster every second lampost .. and to suck everything in.. and up.

So I walked between lamposts , then sucked squeezed and walked faster for the next lampost.. I counted in my head .. almost the steps i took.. then relax .. normal walk

Then all of a sudden there was a rogue set of lamposts .. and they were twice the distance apart .. I was nearly cramped up as I prepared for the next long distance post I realised that in this particular new suburb they had alternated the lamposts on either side of the road… lol .. by then I was just about home.

I am hoping that this will strngthen my back muscles and those pesky pelvic floor ones too , I have been having a little trouble with my back lately .. mainly sciatic. and If I twist fast or sit oddly i get spasms and my leg colapses..

Oh well .. worth a crack.

Dinner for Dinos 21st went well.. I even got a hug from Ian .. shock and bloody horror. Everyone was so awesome and got on well , there were no issues at all and I think Ian and Maria felt welcome and relaxed. Ians Mum came too with her husband.

Dino and I had saved enough money to pay for imediate families meals .. buy entrees for all the tables and put $400 on the bar. .. and those that drank spirits paid for their own , Beer and wine and soft drinks on us.. wow .. that went well.

I didn’t have a speech prepared, and I told Ian that as he came late the speech was up to him .. he just laughed, when it came to speech time I did say something ..

Just how Dino had never given me any trouble as a kid , except the broken bones , trips to the A&E, the knife in the toaster.etc , That I loved that we were into the same music and that we went to concerts together .. Iron Maiden Rocks!!!   That I was happy with the way he had grown in to a wonderful young man, and had some close friends beside him. blah blah blah… I had the plaster cast from when at the age of 2 he broke his elbow.. the gown he came home from the hospital in , and a pill container filled with all his baby teeth, Macabre??? no .. cute. Had to tell Maxi there was no tooth fairy ..he just laughed.

Anyway we all sat and ate , drank and laughed till about midnight .. a cheesecake and a torte for dessert, a few candles and a song or 2.. was awesome.

He got some fantastic presents .. a cordless drill , hammers , a beer tankard( my sister and I started that tradition with our nephews and neices, now it is my kids turn, Girls get a goblet , boys a tankard) money and vouchers.. and a wonderful hand carved swamp Kauri key from me, made by a friend.

My baby is 21



Anyway .



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February 2, 2009

Another milestone. Keep up the walking.

February 3, 2009

Evil lamp posts! Tools are awesome gifts – so useful! And I think my parents still have all my baby teeth somewhere too. I looked at them not long ago and was wowed by how small they were. They sure didn’t feel small back then…

February 3, 2009

go with the exercise and the party sounds so neat- lucky son

February 4, 2009

RYN: If you make a bag from blue tarpaulin to cover the banasa they ripen much quicker…even then its a slow process. Derek had regular plastic ones ( blue is best) but they got weather damaged easily. It also keeps them warm through winter months ( told you they are slow to ripen). Theres nothing like homegrown bananas for flavour, particularly the island varieties. As Hamilton gets frosts, the bags will also protect them from that. Good luck…and enjoy a good harvest later. hugs P