Not a good day.. sad news



I woke early this morning and as I got up and made coffee and checked emails , I decided how I was going to spend my day .. (it didn’t end the way I wanted .. so far from it)

I grabbed the paper and a bowl of cereal and went back to bed .. I read the paper and ate my breakfast and made mental notes.

I was going to get the Uni papers out from the box and get started on my assignment.. take a break in the garden and get some of the weeds pulled and lay the weed mat on the bit I did last week.. then I thought I’d pop up and see a man up the road .. not just any man this was Allycats best friends Dad.. I wanted some garden advice and of all the people I could ask I thought breaking the ice with him on a gardening question would be a nice way to see how he was..

his wife died 14 months ago of cancer .. that was another horrific day/ week.   Anyway over the last month ( christmas and new year) he has been suffering from a bit of depression, Seer came camping with us and she said he was bad .. that he had admitted himself into the Mental Health unit Henry Bennett at Waikato Hospital.  I asked if he had had Mental health issues before and she said yes .. so I thought he was under control.. and just this week have been meaning to get up to see him at home.

As I lay in bed reading the paper I heard the phone .. expecting it to be for me ( it happens sometimes) I listenend out .. but I heard Allycat talking to someone .. and then say Ok thanks for calling .. see ya .. all polite and professional.. next thing I knew she was on my bed screaming tears and I could not understand her..

Seer’s Dad had died .. No one knew how .. or when .. and Seer and her other friends had gone to the beach for the weekend so were on their way home..

I went up to the house on my way to the market to get milk and spoke to the police officer in charge .. He had been found by his care giver (who was on his first visit to the home).. he had taken his own life . 

Such a sad sad affair .. such a waste of life.. 

Allycat and I  spent the day with the sister and her partners family .. and we waited for Seer to arrive.. then they called all the family they needed to and started the ball rolling .. Allycat and I went to the police station to collect his personal effects with the sisters friend. and the sisters mother in law went to the mortuery for identification. This is more than these girls should have to deal with.. they are 22 and 20.

He has no family here .. his Mum lives in England.  All the Mums family live scattered so will take a little while to descend. The girls are doing ok .. surrounded by friends.


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January 16, 2009

Sorry to read about this, I am quite affected by suicides so my heart goes out to you and Alleycat, and to Seer and her family. xx

January 16, 2009

what a heartbreaker for everyone and particularly sad that he died alone and depressed. Big hugs to you and yours….and all concerned. P x

January 17, 2009

I am so sorry to hear that…((hugs))

January 17, 2009

*hugs* I’m so sorry 🙁

January 17, 2009

Oh that’s terrible. What a horrible thing to happen. *hugs*

January 18, 2009


January 19, 2009

looks like you have a few more daughters to adopt :o) I really do hope they have the support around them

January 20, 2009

suicide is so senseless I am so sorry

I am so sorry to read this dear. I wish I could hug you and Alleycat. Please hug her for me! panzer